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You guys should watch Heaven's official blessing. IT IS AMAZING. Only season 1 is out, though.

N E Ways, back to the story.

Kageyama's POV:-

Today I don't even feel like getting up and doing my normal routine of jogging. It is Saturday and usually me and Hinata go out together but ever since he started cheating he forgot me? All these negative thoughts were going on and on in my head in a circle and finally I find myself in front of my bathroom mirror with a razor in my hand


With every cut I remembered the words emotionally engraved in my skin.




Slut( My hands were shaking while writting this )


As I came back to my senses I saw blood gushing out from my arm. Oh well. I started cleaning the bathroom where the blood was and decided to check the groupchat. Come to think of it today Oikawa-san and Iwaizumi-san were boarding the flight to Argentina to check their room or something.

~We are all gays~

Oikawa-san:- Yahoo!!

Hinata:- Hi Great King!

Oikawa-san:- Hi chibi-chan. Where are everyone?

Iwaizumi-san:- Probably busy.

Oikawa-san:- IWA-CHANN!!!:))))))

Oikawa-san:- @ everyone

~everyone is online~

Tsukishima:- Ugh,, What do you want now?

Yamagucchi:- TSUKIII!!

Tsukishima:- Shut up Yamagucchi.

Yamagucchi:- Gomen Tsuki!

Akaashi:- Oya?

Bokuto:- Oya?Oya?

Kuroo:- Oya?Oya?Oya?

Tsukishima:- Ugh, now the Oya squad is here(except for Akaashi).

Kuroo:- Hey thats mean :(

Bokuto:- BRO♥

Kuroo:- BROO♥


Atsumu:- Hey love ♥

Oikawa:- Hi babe ♥

Iwaizumi:- AHEM

Sakusa:- AHEM

Nishinoya:- Lol, jealous boyfriends.

Asahi:- Noya don't say that :(

Tanaka:- Noya bro♥

Nishinoya:- Tanaka bro ♥

Tsukishima:- Great. Just great.

Nishinoya:- Hey Tsukki don't be mean.

Tsukishima:- First off do't call me Tsukki
Secoundly, No♥

Tanaka:- Rude.

Tsukishima:- My middle name.

Oikawa:- N E ways, me and Iwa are on our way to the airport.

Noya:- Broooo

Tanaka:- BROOOOO

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