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Sorry for the late chapter but I started writing it and the story got deleted :( Don't forgot to follow and add the story so you can get updates :)

Tubbo walked up the stairs from the dark dungeon into the light. He made sure dream kept pace with him and slightly frowned at how much Dream was stumbling trying to keep up with Tubbo who was walking a lot slower than his normal jog everywhere. 

Tubbo still gently guided him towards the top of the staircase. When they finally reached their destination Tubbo breathed in the fresh air and internally winced at the fact that Dream couldn't... breathe. Dream squinted and looked around at the open fields. Tubbo held his breath when the ghosts gaze landed on the place where the obsidian walls once stood. Dream frowned in frustration for a spilt second  and continued to looked around. 

Within a second Dream looked as if he was a kid in a candy store. He looked like a young child who just spotted Santa. He was about to walk and show Dream more but was stopped when he saw everyone else coming up the stairs. Tubbo cringed and he made sure to stand behind the ghost so he was hiding George and Sapnap from his view. 

"Welp come on Dream. Lets show you  L'manburg first" said Technoblade.

Tubbo blinked. Technoblade? 

Techno guided Dream to L'manburg and Dream happily followed.

The green loving ghost felt... safe with the pink haired man. Sure, he felt really safe with Tubbo but with Techno it was a bit different. He felt calm. Like all his problems would vanish if he stayed by the taller mans side. 

Techno walked in tears as but he knew nobody could see it because of the pig mask on his face. Dream's smile flickered as he felt some sort of distress radiating from the pig hybrid. He looked around and saw people strange people following them. Well... and Tubbo and Ghostbur. 

Dream whimpered and Techno and Tubbo looked at him in alarm. Dream looked at the weird people and turned to the floor as the soft grass was the most interesting thing in the world. Dream blinked. The grass... He turned his head and properly looked around him. 

The soft grass felt ticklish as he knelt down to feel it.  He saw a truly beautiful place that wasn't dark and cold. The sun felt warm against Dreams ice cold skin. The nearby flower patch was buzzing with bees and the birds were chirping. He actually felt a soft breeze and the air wasn't cold and stale.

Dream turned back to Tubbo telling everybody (except Techno) to go away. Tubbo was greeted with complaints from a guy with goggles and a guy with a black headband. Also surprisingly and blond headed child.  

Dream stared at Goggles and Headband. Sure, the more he looked at them they more his head pounded. But no matter how much he tried to avert his eyes, he couldn't. They felt familiar. 

Dream wasn't an idiot. He knew he was dead and he knew he was missing memories. The more he stared at them the more pain he felt. He had many emotions coursing through him. Pain, anger, betrayal and worst of all... sadness. He felt sad. He felt empty and he wanted to know why most of those feelings were directed at them. 

His own thoughts were cut off as Goggles shouted at him. He looked up and saw tears in his eyes.

"DREAM! DREAM! I'm sorry! Ok?! I was just angry because of the crown and I wasn't thinking about what would actually happen! Please forgive me Dream! I'm so sorry!"

Dream head felt as if his head was splitting in two as he cried out in pain and his vision started fading. He felt strong arms catch him as he fell and everything once again was dark. 

Sorry for the late chapter. I had a lot of stuff going on right now :P Anyway the last stream was crazy and I am now currently working on a new story as well. So follow me for the next story (yes there will be angst and fluff). Until next time guys! Byeee 

Ghost Dream **HIATUS**حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن