A New School

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*omg hey guys I hope u like the story but i just wanna clarify i've only watched jjk i haven't read the manga yet so my details on cursed energy and all of that might be a little off and i might make up some stuff and techniques to fit the storyline but i just wanted to let yall know in advance i hope it doesn't bother you that i might make up some techniques and whatnot but if it's been explained in the show i'll try my hardest to stick to it so it makes sense:)*

"Great this is fantastic!" Gojou said. He was ecstatic that you had said yes to going to his jujutsu school and it was written all over his face. He smiled at you with a big but sincere smile, one filled with warmth. You could see the way his cheeks rose up when he smiled and the little dimple that formed on the side of his cheek as he looked at you. Even the way his body reacted showed how excited he was. He fiddled with his hands and he couldn't keep his feet in place. God, he was so cute when he was excited. He looked like he had just gotten a new puppy.

You looked at him again as you waited for him to say something else, hopefully something that would actually make sense this time. You didn't really know what to think of going back to school, let alone a magic school. You figured it would be like regular high-school all over again just curse textbooks instead of history ones. Right?

"So now what do we do? It's not like i've ever been to jujutsu school." You said with a laugh.

"Come on. I can show you."

Gojou said that as he slightly bowed, holding his hand out acting like a silly prince at a fancy ball. He crossed his leg over the other and put his spare hand behind his back, trying to look fancy. His white hair dropped slightly in front of his face as he waited for you to take his hand. You giggled at his goofy-ness and softy brought your hand to his. His hands were big, much bigger than yours, and almost calloused but still soft, gentle, and warm. His touch was inviting and made you feel comfortable.

"I'm gonna get us there as fast as I can. It might seem scary at first but you can trust me, cant you?"

He smirked at you as he said those last words. God what a sly smirk. But he also wanted to make sure he had your permission to take you where you needed to go. It was nice to see he actually cared. That he didn't want to just man-handle you and push you off to the side. Although you just met him, you did feel safe with him and you knew you could trust him. You looked up at him and slightly nodded you head with a smile. A slight heat starting to rise in your cheeks. You hoped he couldn't notice how all of his small gestures made you feel.

Almost an instant after you brought your hand to his, he swiftly stood up out of his bowed position, pulling you close, into his chest. You gasped at the sudden gesture, just barely loud enough for Gojou to pick up. His other hand snaked around your lower back as it pulled you even closer to him. You knew he was doing to to make sure he had a good grip on you while you traveled with whatever powers he was going to use next, but you couldn't help but feel butterflies in your stomach when you were this close to him.

His tall body towered over you, but not in an overpowering way, more of like a protective, comfortable way. You were close to his body and his clothes, all warm to the touch. His hands gripped at you so that you wouldn't slip away but it wasn't aggressive, it was nice actually. You knew he wanted to keep you safe, and being this close to him to achieve that didn't bother you in the slightest.

"Hold on tight. Since this is your first time it might be a bit of a bumpy ride."

You looked up at him as he got ready to do whatever he was about to do. You took you hands and placed them awkwardly around his chest and neck, trying to get yourself secure for the ride in store. You looked back at Gojou and his one free hand as you watched him mumble something else and make lots of symbols with his hand.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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