Truth, Dare, or Drink

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(Ok Zayn's new album is so good)
My laughter apparently woke up Louis. "What are you laughing at, it's like... 6am?" He asks in his morning voice which is deeper and raspier then usual. "Oh um the position I am in." I say still giggling. He looks over and laughs as well. I mean it is an awkward position. I was sprawled out over them. I get up, but Zayn grabs my ankles making me fall over Louis. God Zayn. "Sorry Louis." I groan. Ow I hit my shoulder on the head board. Louis just mumbles a "it's fine" and goes back to sleep. This time I am careful to get out of bed without Zayn grabbing my ankles. I want to make the boys their favorite breakfast, waffles. So I brush my teeth and put my hair up in a bun, and then I am making waffles 15 minutes later. I make enough for everyone in the house to have two, which is 9 people, so 18 waffles. By the time I'm done making them, it about 8. Louis should at least be up soon. I hear someone walking out of my room, expecting Louis or Zayn, but surprisingly, it's Niall. "Morning Nialler." I say. "Good morning Y/N." He says. "You're up early." I state. "Yeah I smelled waffles." Niall gets a plate and starts eating. I laugh and sit down with him on the couch. I'm not very hungry right now anyway. About 30 minutes give or take, the rest of the apartment woke up, and jeez was it crowded. We don't have a small apartment, there were just so many people. It would be even more jam packed on Christmas. Thank god the parents would be in a hotel. I was just thinking about Christmas when Zayn waved his hands in front of my face. "You dazed again." He said giving me a sad smile. I smiled back, but it didn't reach my eyes. Zayn sat down next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder. "Hey, whats up, you have been off lately?" He asks me. I tell him everything with Hermione, and that I feel myself slipping away like I did in year 12. Zayn wraps his arm around me and pulls me close. "And you teased me about us acting like a couple." Louis says with a smile. Zayn laughs as well put keeps his tight grip on me. Pansy gets up and sits next to me on the couch, she always likes to sit next to me, sometimes I wonder if she has separation anxiety. I'm going to ask her about that. I notice I'm dozing again, so I quickly come back out of my little trance. After everyone has finished their waffles I walk into the kitchen and do the dishes. Louis comes in soon after. "Here let me help." He says trying to take the sponge. "No, go and have fun in the common room." I protest. We bicker, not for long and he reluctantly leaves.

~Hermione's POV~

I still love Y/N, but I think she hates me now. The only reason I started dating Taylor was to get over Y/N. I know that she never rejected me, but I had a hunch that she didn't like me. That was until I heard a conversation between her and Draco, I didn't mean to listen, but I heard my name, and I couldn't help it. I needed someone and Taylor is just so sweet, but it isn't fair to keep her. She deserves someone better. I am going to break up with her after Christmas, but before Valentines Day.

-Your POV-

We were all in a circle playing truth, dare, or drink. A game we used to play when we were in our 13th year. "Y/N, truth or dare." Pansy asks me slurring her words a little. I laugh. "Hmm dare." I say. "I dare you to kiss hmmm Zayn." She says sending a wink my way. I look at Zayn to see if he was ok with it. Zayn just leaned in and kissed me, and god is he a good kisser. After about 30 seconds Niall clears his throat. Zayn and I break away, blushes evident. We soon resume the game. "Uhm Louis truth or dare." I say looking Louis in the eye. I could see a hint of jealousy, weird. "Dare." He says confidently. I chuckle. "Kiss the person that you find the most attractive." I saw expecting him to kiss Niall, it's an inside joke. But nope he gets up walks across the circle, picks me up and plants a kiss on my lips. At first I'm taken aback, but quickly kiss back. After a little while of playing the game, we all head to bed, we were all pretty drunk, but I'm not a big drinker, so I was just a little tipsy. I had kisses like 6 people, Zayn, Louis, Harry, Pansy, Niall, and Draco. All for dares. I woke up early, per usual. This time Niall and Harry shared the bed with me. Niall spidered out and Harry and I were stuck with half the bed, so naturally Harry had his arm around me. Harry was surprisingly warm. (Also when I say Harry I mean Styles, unless i say otherwise) I didn't feel like getting up, so I didn't, I just tucked my head into Harry's chest, listening to his heartbeat, forgetting my problems.

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