Live Stream

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Okay, so ready for the decision my indecisive ass decided to make?

Imma make a second chapter for this book!

On a whim, yes

My immediate decision, no

So, here we are

(also, the mask from last chapter? Let's just imagine that the ears from the mask are able to be taken off and he has a pair of headphones with bunny ears on them, so he can have his mask on and not have double ears)

I'm also thinking of updating more chapters for my other books as well, and I finally realized why I don't have as many views on these ones as TCSC

cuz that one has the most parts, and nobody wants to read a book with only one part


And you know what that means?


3rd person POV

*All 98.6 M subscribers are watching your stream*

"So, I'm sure you guys have heard rumors about this, but....."'

All of the comments ceased immediately, everyone watching the stream from everywhere quieted down to listen to BUNNIE's announcement

"yes, I am currently looking for a collaborator, or collaborators, and potential partner to help me make, sing, and put songs together!"

The comments section blew up again, with things like 'face reveal', 'pick me!', 'in person?!' and other choosy, shocking, and promising outbursts.

Izuku was glad he decided to record the livestream, he could review the video again and see each person's reaction.

Even through the chaos he could pick out the one comment that mattered most to him

Soba_Cat- I would like to sign up if possible

It was a single comment that was among millions, the one that mattered most to him.

The one that could destroy him and inevitably change his future if he said yes

But, how could one resist?

"Chill in the comments guys!" he said in a cheery, excited tone. "I didn't expect so many of you to volunteer, though it makes me happy that you guys get so enthusiastic about this!"

Smiling behind his mask, he laughed a little. "It's really contagious, you guys are making me happy too!"

That's our job BUNNIE!

still can't believe he's gonna pick people for a collab


I can sing fairly well, i do well in technology audio though!

What if he does a face reveal?!

Never mind that, imagine hearing his real voice!

"Guys, guys, sorry to burst your bubble, but I won't reveal myself for personal purposes, sorry..."

Don't be sorry BUNNIE we understand!

Awww, I wanted to hear his voice

C'mon BUNNIE it can't do harm if you take your mask off!!!

If BUNNIE wants to keep his identity secret, that's his decision!

And, no offense, he would probably want to keep his identity secret because of people like you

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