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No one speaks for a while, letting Akiteru process the person in front of him. His eyes are wide with confusion. His mouth doesn't shut, it keeps moving, like he's trying to say something but can't find the right words.

Yamaguchi sees his hardship and struggle to find words, so he speaks first. "Uh.. I wasn't expecting to tell you like this, actually I wasn't really hoping to tell you at all." Yamaguchi laughs awkwardly and stands up. "Yeah..."

Akiteru looks Yamaguchi up and down and then turns to Tsukishima, his confusion replaced with anger and worry. "This is the girl you're dating? Really?! Some knock off twin of Tadashi?!" He crouches down, rubbing his face. "I can't believe I lost the bet! I didn't know Tadashi had a sister! Who knew you'd date her instead." He makes a loud sound, like a groan and whine.

Tsukishima looks at his brother like he's crazy, "What?!" He asks loudly. He steps away from his brother. "Who said anything about dating?!"

Yamaguchi stands still, stunned by what Akiteru said. What bet? Sister? Dating?!

Akiteru looks at Tsukishima like he just said something unbelievably stupid. "NOT DATING?!" He stands up quickly and forcefully puts his hands on Tsukishima's shoulders. "So you're just using her for sex?! Please Tell me I'm wrong!" He looks towards Yamaguchi and nods his head, "I'm sorry but I don't approve. Tadashi obviously likes you! Why spend your time with the Walmart brand when you have the better one!" He hides his face in his hands. "I was so certain you and Tadashi would get together I bet 6,231 yen on it!" He takes a deep breath. "Give me a second."

Akiteru claps his face and takes another deep breath before turning to Yamaguchi, who's face is as red as a beet. "Hello, I'm Akiteru, Kei's older brother. It's nice to meet you. You must be Tadashi's sister or family member? Kei said you're Yamaguchi?" He smiles, but it's obviously hiding a disappointment expression.

Yamaguchi doesn't say anything, but turns his head to look at Tsukishima, who is also dumbfounded by his brother's outburst. He gulps and faces Akiteru again. "Um.. I think you're mistaken.."

Akiteru tilts his head in surprise, he's so easy to read, he now looks so hopeful that he's mistaken. "I am?" He can't even hide the happy tone in voice.

Yamaguchi nods, "Y-yeah! I.. I am Tadashi.." he says, a little on the quiet side, but Akiteru hears.

He stares at "her" in disbelief. "I- WHAT? Was Tadashi a girl all along? But no.. he.. she.. they were definitely male!" Tsukishima sighs and walks to Yamaguchi's side.

"This is, in fact, Tadashi Yamaguchi." He clarifies. Tsukishima places a hand on Yamaguchi's shoulder.

Akiteru glares at Yamaguchi, as if he's trying to break their lie, or see if he's hallucinating. "But.. he's shorter than before.. a female build. There's no way.. prove it!" He points accusingly at the green haired FeMale.

Yamaguchi grabs his skirt and holds it down. "What do you mean "prove it!" I'm not gonna show you anything." He yells, sheepishly. Tsukishima holds up his arm in front of Yamaguchi.

Akiteru's face reddens when he realizes what they think he meant. "W-wait no! That's not what I meant! I meant prove you're tadashi! Not female!" He desperately clears up. Tsukishima lowers his arm to his side.

Yamaguchi thinks for a moment, "What do you want me to say? Umm.. I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi.. number twelve on the Karasuno team.. I'm a pinch server." He thinks for a little longer. "You probably want something only I would know though... hmm." He brings up his hand to his chin and thinks. "Oh! When Tsukishima was twelve years old, we went to a festival! We separated from you to play some games, a group of girls was nearby—" Tsukishima clapped his hand over Yamaguchi's mouth.

"I think that covers it. Just believe us so he'll stop talking." Tsukishima sighs, annoyed. He knows exactly what story Yamaguchi was going to tell.

Akiteru takes Tsukishima's hand off Yamaguchi's mouth. "No I need to hear this! You don't tell me anything!" He says very determined to hear such an embarrassing story.

Yamaguchi continues, "The group of girls looked at him and tried to hit on him, one of them playfully pushed him and he fell into the water of the fish catching game! He ended up killing a few!" He says, laughing a little at the memory. "I had to use the food money you gave us to pay off the worker!"

Akiteru's mouth opens, "I was wondering why you didn't buy any food! Poor Tadashi was so excited to try out the fried food stand!" He bonks Tsukishima's head, "I hope you bought the poor boy some food afterwards."

Tsukishima's cheeks are the slightest shade of pink from embarrassment, he hates the fish story. All the girls started laughing at him and how big he was, but he did shrug it off, even pushed the one who pushed him in because he's petty af. "Of course I bought him food!"  He snarls.

Akiteru laughs a little more then sighs. "Okay, since this girl is confirmed to be Tadashi.. can you guys please tell me why he's now a she?" He asks. Still very confused to why Yamaguchi turned into a girl.

Yamaguchi hesitates before speaking, "Well I woke up like this.. just this morning.."

Akiteru nods his head slowly. "So you've checked right..? Everything is real?" He asks, hoping that they don't take him for a pervert again.

Yamaguchi covers his face with his hands. "Yes! I've checked.. all the female parts are here.. and they're real.." Yamaguchi mutters, humiliated to be talking about this.

Akiteru nods, "Okay. I'm guessing this is the real reason you Two didn't go to school?"

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi nods, "I couldn't leave him hiding in the closet all day." He smirks.

Akiteru smiles and gasps, "Wait closet? He came out! Finally?"

Yamaguchi realizes what the older blonde is saying and shakes his head violently, "N-No not like that!" He yells.

Akiteru sighs and rubs his forehead, "You guys, you need to stop leading me on." He starts to walk out of the bedroom, "Let's talk about this in the living room. So we can all sit down."

OKAY- so hate me if you will, but I picture Akiteru being a huge Tsukiyama shipper. Yamaguchi ended up telling Akiteru about his feeling, because Aki was able to figure it out.

Also, I'd you've noticed, I got tired of seeing completely emotionless Tsukishima, so I gave him personality. If I've taken it too far tell me pls, I wanna write somewhat accurately.

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