Part 2

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At eight o'clock, Anya is dismissed from the table, replaced by someone much more energetic with people skills she lacks. She makes her way behind the refreshment booth and withdraws her camera bag. It is not a professional camera, but it suits what Anya uses it for, which is mainly nature photography. She does not normally capture pictures of people. For the next hour, she casually wanders the open building, taking random shots. She is extremely aware of Noah's gaze following her for much of the hour. When he is not looking, Anya sneaks a few photos of him but is quick to change focus when his gaze flicks back to hers. Anya has always felt comfortable behind the camera, rather than in front of it.

Out of the corner of her eye, Anya catches sight of her parents dancing so cheesy she simply could not resist taking a picture. She is caught, however, and is beckoned over by her mother with a stern look. Mentally preparing for a reprimand for snapping a photo, she is blindsided by the thumb her mother throws over her shoulder in the direction of Noah. "I know," Anya admits while trying to show as little emotion as possible. "I saw him earlier."

"Will we be seeing more of him?" Something about her mother's tone makes Anya's face heat up again, and she is lucky for the low lighting in this area of the building.

Anya shrugs while deciding to not play her mother's game. "Only if you are a sick kid." She replies, and her mother blinks in question. "He is the new pediatric doctor."

Unbeknownst to either of the two, Anya's father snuck away during the conversation and went to talk to Noah. Anya realizes it minutes later and has to hide her look of horror. "I hope he doesn't bore the poor boy to death over medical questions." Anya's mother is saying close to her ear, but by the laughs and glances her way, she is highly suspicious their topic of conversation has nothing to do with him being a doctor. "He always had a soft spot for the boy, ever since he was a toddler, bored out of his mind in church," Anya recalls her father telling her stories of little Noah playing peek-a-boo with him during church, and the occasional game of tic-tac-toe.

Feeling the need to get as far from Noah and her father as possible, Anya motions to her camera. "I better get back to," She makes the mistake of looking to the entrance. Four people have just entered and looked so out of place it seems like a ridiculous prank. Dressed head to toe in attire that would have been more fitting to a ball at the Queen of England's palace, the rest of the Berning clan makes their grand entrance. Anya cannot help the laugh that works its way up from her core and fearing she might not stop laughing once she starts, she tries to stifle it, though only succeeding in a muffled snort. Thankfully, no one but a few people around her seemed to have heard the sound, though they do not know where it came from. The music still plays, though everyone has now noticed their presence. After an awkward minute of people staring, they move to a side table and the party once again resumes. "Well, that concludes my photoshoot." Anya laughs, knowing full well they expect pictures of them for the night, but since she is the photographer and does not owe them any special treatment, she decides to pack it up.

"Does it still hurt to see him?" Anya's mother questions with concern in her eyes. Her mother knows of her depression and anxiety, but as Anya glances at the table of four, especially one person, in particular, she is surprised that she does not feel anything.

"No," Anya admits honestly while looking back at her mother. "It doesn't hurt anymore. I think I am good now." Anya's mother smiles and hugs her softly for a minute.

Once her camera is put away, Anya rejoins her mother on the dancefloor, all the while keeping close tabs on where her father is, as well as where the Berning's are. Occasionally, Anya glances at Nicholas, studying him from afar. His blonde hair is cut neatly and styled perfectly, as he always has done for public affairs. The low lighting makes his pale grey eyes look dark, and he seems shorter and not as slim as he used to seem. He is talking to the woman at his right. Heidi. The young Mrs. Heidi Berning looks exceedingly elegant, despite the casual party. Her dark blue dress makes her striking pale blue eyes shine brighter than the diamonds around her neck. Her light blonde hair is tediously styled up, and all that is missing is a tiara. It is hard to think that such a beautiful woman had ever been the plain Anya's best friend for eighteen years. They were happy and content in each other's company, but everything changed when Anya started dating Nicholas. Though Heidi remained her friend, Anya was completely blind to the fact that her friend had a crush on her boyfriend.

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