A Gift

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I was born thirteen times. Thirteen births filled with thirteen lights, and I know I'm not done yet. All because an idealistic adventurer, thought to save his hero. Yes, in an effort to avoid a dark future, he broke the laws of time and space, and when he was done, placed himself in a pretty box, and got to live out more adventures in the past. But everything has a price, and though he paid his, there was yet one to be paid. Hydaelyn, the precious star we call home, was fractured long ago. To tamper with her the way he did, would only cause her to fracture more. To save herself, Hydaelyn had but one recourse.

Thus, I was born. A pale imitation of her champion, spread out across all of her shards. Doomed to forever retrace his steps, till time and space righted themselves. Some would call it a curse. Others, a blessing. I'm not sure what to call it except my life. A life I spend wandering more than actually adventuring. Days spent beneath the verdant trees of Gridania, or on the soothing shores of Vylbrand.

It would be spiteful and selfish to live a life so peaceful. I know it, and my other selves know it. Yet, if we're meant to be a band-aid on a severed limb, should we not choose how we heal? I have to live his life in perpetuity, but must I live it as he does?

My train of thought is distracted by the rustling of grass. Without hesitation, I grab my bow beside me and nock an arrow. Whatever is in the brush, will have a fresh hole in it once leaves.

"Well then!" I shout. "I'd rather do this sooner than later."

From the bush she emerges. Orange hair, green eyes, and curved horns. It's her, his best friend.

"I come in peace," She says. "And bearing gifts."

I scoff. "I doubt that."

She sighs and drops her hands. "Fine. Release it then."

I pause momentarily, my fingers trembling while anticipation. "You don't think I will?"

"I don't care if you do."

I bite my lip and let loose my arrow, only for her to catch it and break it in on swift motion.

"Done?" She asks, slightly perturbed.

I nock another arrow. "Not even a little bit."

She groans and places her hands on her hips. Huffing with annoyance. "Ugh, honestly, couldn't he have gotten someone else to do this? Olfiene perhaps."

I lower my bow. "Him?" I ask. "He sent you? He knows?"

She nods. "Of course, he knows. We all know."

I kick myself for having never thought about it before. The warrior of light, master of the echo, saviour of worlds. How could he not know I exist? How could he not be aware that the planet was suffering? But even then, if he knows, then he also knows that it's pointless to even try interacting with me.

"What does he want?"

She points toward the bushes. "As I said, gifts."

"I don't need them." I say sternly. "Now go before I change my mind about killing you."

She shrugs. "Again, you're free to try and fail. You can even make it a competition with my swindling cousin."

I raise a brow in confusion. "Your cousin...is trying to kill you?"

"Not on purpose." She shakes her head. "But lord knows the things he gets up to don't help." She heads into the bushes and comes back with a coffer and a pouch. The pouch is simple enough, just a simple gil carrying sack, but the coffer is...something else. It's ornate and well designed. Almost of premium quality. From what I can tell of it, it looks Ishgardian. Which only makes me more suspicious.

She sets it down in the dirt and I slowly approach it. Like a curious bird I peck and flick at its latch with my fingers. Not traps or triggers. No monsters or surprises, only the clink of metal. I look up at her and she just rolls her eyes. Not exactly the expression of someone being tricky, but not a look that inspires confidence either.

I flick the latch open and almost jump when...nothing happens. Yes, for all my fears and reservations, she was telling the truth. Inside, was just an outfit. Elegant, luxurious and well beyond the eyes of a fledgling adventurer like myself, but only just an outfit. A silver and cerulean cap, trousers, gambeson and shoes.

"What, is all this?" I ask.

"He said it's an outfit that best befits a bard."

"A bard!?" I say with shock. "I'm not a bard."

She points toward my bow. "You chose that because of him, didn't you?"

I bite my lip and clench my fists. Damn the echo.

"It's the only weapon he won't learn. So, you have to use it, as your own way of rebellion. That's it isn't it?"

I slam the chest shut and throw the pouch at her feet. I don't want anything from him or her. They've condemned me to this fate. Them and their damned exarch. I want no part of them. "Keep his presents. I can make do on my own."

She scratches the back of her head then shakes it. "Fine." With a whistle her chocobo comes galloping forward. "I did my part. Rest is up to you." She climbs onto the animal, giving it a pleasant pat on the head. "One thing before I go though, take the coffer and gil Egil, you'll need it."

"I said I don't—"

"It'll be hard!" She interrupts. "Soon you'll get the echo and you'll meet the scions and you'll fight your first primal and you'll lose and gain people you'll fall in love with." She sighs. "And I know, no one can pay this price but you. But it doesn't have to be about you suffering."

"What would you know about me suffering?"

"Absolutely nothing." She clicks her tongue and her bird Kweh's "You look like he used to. Be better than he will be."

Just like that, she takes off, just as quickly as she arrived. I'm left with my thoughts. Left with all of the doubt and fear I've had since the day I flitted into existence. She recognized my appearance. Recognized this face I thought he'd long since forgotten. Not the same mind you, but not so different either. In the depths of my soliloquy I wonder, had I hated them without reason?

I go back over to the coffer and open it. I remove the gambeson and study it. It truly is an exquisite piece of craftsmanship. No doubt the elites of Ishgard would pay a pretty gil for it. For the first time in a long time, I start to feel okay, not happy, not overjoyed, but okay.

I laugh to myself. "A bard huh?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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