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TW: sexual assault/harassment

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I stayed with Hermione the rest of the night, and we stayed up in the astronomy tower. She cried, and cried, and cried. I held her, afraid she would break if I let her out of my touch.

My mind felt out of control. Spiraling through fifty- million thoughts at once, and becoming so overwhelming I couldn't think straight.

Part of me was so sad for Hermione, and just wanted to be there for her.

The other part was thinking dangerous thoughts.

I wanted to rip Krum to shreads. I wanted to burn him alive. I wanted to punch and choke him, until he was begging at my feet for mercy. I wanted to watch him suffer, and I wanted to be the one to do it.

I wanted to kill him with my bare hands.


When the sun started to rise, Hermione was passed out on my robe. Her face was chapped with dry tears, and her hair was a mess. She looked much more at peace when she was sleeping, so I was careful not to wake her up. She needed to rest. And I needed to stay with her.

I checked the silver watch on my wrist, and it was 6am in the morning. I didn't sleep at all last night, for a few reasons. One being I didn't want anything to happen to Hermione, I didn't know what to expect anymore. All I know is I had to keep her safe. The second reason is because I just couldn't. Too many thoughts were running through my head, overwhelming me, and there was no off switch. Lastly, hermione was keeping me awake most of the night, anyways, and she needed a good cry. So I obviously let her.

I was not going to let Krum get anywhere near her.

A few hours passed, and I brought breakfast up to the tower. I was going to take care of Hermione today

It was Christmas.

Surprisingly, a lot of people stayed at Hogwarts over the holidays, most likely because the ball was last night.

Hermione wouldn't get to experience the joy of opening presents, seeing everyone's happy smiles, or eating delicious food. All these happy moments Christmas is supposed to bring would be taken away from her.

By someone who did not respect her no for an answer.

I heard movement next to me, and I looked over as Hermione slowly opened her eyes. She slowly sat up and stretched, not seeing me yet.

"Hermione." I said softly, not wanting to scare her.

She turned to me, and she jumped up.

Dammit, I scared her.

That's when I saw them.

Bruises trailed all over her neck, purple and blue. He had sucked the life out of her. Scratch marks covered her arm, and her face had a red rash on it. I hadn't seen her in the light since.....it... happened. I hadn't seen them. But they were worse than I could have ever imagined.

Hermione stood a great distance from me, scared I might try something. I was mad.

Krum has completely destroyed her.

Hermione could tell I had seen her abuse by the horrified look I could feel on my face, and she tried to cover them. She was ashamed.

"Hermione." I repeated, breathing harder now.
I wanted to cry. She wanted to also.

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