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Time: 6minutes before Particle Accelerator Explosion

Place: CCPD

Barry's POV:

Hi my name is Barry Allen Im a forensic scientist at CCPD and tonight is the night of the Particle Accelerator I went to the Accelerator but I couldn't stay since it started raining so I went to my lab to close up the shudders but before they were fully closed the Accelerator exploded and a Lightning bolt hit my lab and caused me to go into a coma and this is the story of how I became the Scarlet Speedster: The Flash


Place: Matsufu Hospital

3rd person POV:

Right now at Matsufu Hospital a lady by the name of Inko Midoriya is here 

Right now at Matsufu Hospital a lady by the name of Inko Midoriya is here with her husband Hisashi Midoriya, Hisashi's sister Mitsuki Bakugou with her husband Marusu Bakugou and their son Katsuki Bakugou and Inko's sister Rei Todoroki along with her children Touya, Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Shouto Todoroki they are all watching the Particle Accelerator while waiting for Inko, the reason is today is the day she gives birth to her and Hisashi's child

Right now Hisashi is nervous because he hopes inko will be ok

Rei: Sashi are you ok

Hisashi: I'm good Rei I'm just worried for inko

Rei: don't worry if I know my sister I know she's tough

That caused Hisashi to feel relieved but still nervous he then felt a tug on his pants leg he looked down to see Fuyumi

Fuyumi: Uncle Sashi is auntie inko gonna be ok

Hisashi: she'll be fine my little white rose

Fuyumi: I'm not dat wittle I dwink miwk

She says pouting which causes Hisashi to chuckle

Hisashi: hehehe sure you do

He then heard a beep and the doctor came out to give them the news

Hisashi: So.... how did it go

Doctor: congratulations it's a boy

Hisashi and the family were happy that everything went fine and the baby is ok

Hisashi: May I go see them

Doctor: follow me

He says as Hisashi went inside to see inko holding a baby boy with black and green hair

Inko: what should we name him honey

Hisashi: how about.... Izuku, yeah Izuku Midoriya

He says as they look out the window and see an Energy wave heading straight for them luckily everyone was fine including Izuku but what they didn't know is that Izuku's life will change forever

Hello every one it's 8040abc here and with a new story. I adopted it from @KingNexus2233 (Thanks again, btw) 

402 words

Izuku Midoriya The silver speed demon ( adopted from kingnexus2233)(rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now