~Chapter 1~ The Game

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It was a dark, gloomy night with thick fog surrounding the whole house, rain poured down loudly as crashes of thunder echoed off into the distance.Neven, Alex, Ash, and Zero were gathered around the fireplace. They were searching online to see if there were any fun things to do as they didn't want to risk going outside. They came across this interesting site that was all about what to play with your friends. One caught Neven's eye as a picture of a bright, mysterious flame slowly loaded onto the screen
"Hey look, scroll back up." said Neven
They scrolled up as a big title appeared saying,
The site read....
'a interesting game to play with your friends. This game is sure to let you know one of their secrets, possibly reveal the true nature of your friends. But the question is whose do you have? That you may never truly find out....
Maybe it's the person sitting right next to you, for all you know, they could be a murder haha!
Get a piece of A4 paper and cut it up into individual slices(cut it into the amount of people you have)

Each person will get a piece of paper and write a secret down, Without any names on them. NO ONE must know or see the persons secret, it wouldn't be a secret now would it ;)

Once everyone has finished get a bowl, hat, cup or just something to shuffle the papers in.

Make sure to fold the papers.

Put the papers in the shuffling place and once this process is carried out, mix the papers about.

Each person picks out one at a time.

The secrets are spread around and the people must read them, but not out loud.

After reading them all, burn them or get rid of them.
That is the end of the game! Have fun. '
They all looked at each other excitedly showing that they wanted to play it.
"I'll get the paper, I'll be right back!" said Ash jumping up and sprinting away.
They waited a minute or so, they talked in the meantime hearing some shuffling sounds from upstairs, although they thought nothing of it.
Ash ran back in with paper and a hat,
"Sorry, I couldn't find the paper :l" Ash said shrugging as she started giving bits of paper to everyone.
They all passed around a pen, writing their secrets one by one....
Once done they all folded the paper just as they were instructed to do. They all placed them in the hat,
"Who wants to go first?" Alex said holding out the hat.
"I will!" excitedly said Zero as she ran to the hat pulling a paper out.
They all started pulling out papers and lastly was Ash. She pulled the last paper out and sat down.
They all counted to 3 and opened their papers at the same time.

What will their secrets say.....

Credits to my friend whose called Neven in this for originally coming up with this story design, but let someone do something with the story instead!

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