Chapter 15

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Molly's pov

Today's the day, my parents death anniversary and I'm still laying on my bed probably not breathing

After me and Blake had that 'conversation' yesterday we just talked and he eventually left, and I of course told Tessa that which she thinks his completely inlove with me and I don't believe her

"hello sunshine" Tessa says coming in

"hi Tessa" I said smiling weakly

"how you doing?" she asks doing a Joey impression from friends which cause me to laugh a little

"I'm great Joey" I chuckle

"You want anything?"

"nope you can leave you know"

"I know....i just feel like you need me here" she says

"no I don't need you, I just need peace, quiet and maybe some fries" I say

"ok I'm gonna be at Ryan's place, call me ok?" she says walking away and I just nod

Its 11 at noon so I decided to go to the grave and said hi to my parents

I was putting on my shirt when I heard the door, after I put on my shirt I answered it

"Blake?" I say opening the door which cause him to come in again "you gotta stop doing that" I mumble

"where are you going?" he asks

"going to get French fries" I lie which I can tell that he knows

"your not going to get food are you?"

"ok fine I'm going to....m-my pa-parents grave" I say

"great I'll drive" he says and I look at him confused

"what?! no offense Blake but your not coming with me" I say reasoning with him

"not a chance love, I'm not gonna leave you alone ok, so just drop it and let's go" he says

"fine kiss ass" I say

We drove to the cemetery in silence and the radio silently playing in the backround

We arrived and I felt pale and cold but I felt a hand over mine, I look at Blake and his looking at me with a sweet smile

"You sure you gonna do this?" he asks and I nod

We get out of the car and went to my parents grave,I looked at the sign and I just want to cry every time I see it

"hi mom, dad how's life?" I ask "I know I haven't visited in a while but I wanted you to know that I'm doing great, Tessa too. I hope you guys are doing great..."i say not knowing what to say next

"Mrs. and Mr. Parker, you don't know me but I'm a friends of Molly's" I hear Blake said behind me and walking beside me "I'm Blake, I don't know Molly that well but I feel like you raised her well and I don't know you guys but she told me that you were so kind people. Molly is the most loyal, kind,caring,loving person that maybe you should be proud of what she had become now, she is the best person to be with.....and I know that Molly loves you than life itself which is insane because I haven't seen her like this before when she talks about you, and to be honest I think she will die just to be with you guys so just tell her that she's gonna be ok" he finished and I look at him with a teary eyes

"see Molly they said your gonna be OK" Blake says to me and I just pull him into a tight hug "thanks you Blake"

"I said you gotta stop thanking me this much" he says hugging me back

"wanna go home and eat something?" he asks

"yes"i nod,and we left

my medicine - Blake Richardson (new hope club) Where stories live. Discover now