Who and how do the creepypastas wake you up and how you react

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Aries: Lazari/ pushes you off the bed/ Aries: AY *you heard little footsteps going out your door*

Taurus: L.J/ shakes you violently/ Taurus: STOP SHAKING ME *he stops*

Gemini: sally/ jumps on your bed while screaming to wake up/ Gemini: ok ok I'm awake

Cancer: Hoodie/shakes you gently and gives up if you don't wake up/ Cancer: *still asleep*

Leo: Jeff/ Slaps you till you wake up / Leo: STOP SLAPPING ME *Jeff runs away*

Virgo: Toby/ Dumps cold water on you/ Virgo: AYe that's cold Toby: Exactly

Libra: Slenderman/ Slaps you with a tendril / Slenderman: wake up, child

Scorpio: Judge Angels/ Sounds a annoying ass alarm till you wake/ Scorpio: Alright, Alright I'm awake just turn off that alarm

Sagittarius: Smile dog/ bites you/ Sagittarius: OW, BAD BOY SMILE-

Capricorn: BEN drowned/ plays video games while it's at full volume/ Capricorn: HEY BEN LOWER THAT SHIT DOWN

Aquarius: No one dares to wake you up....

Pisces: Jane/ Screams in your ear/ Pisces: OK OK STOP SCREAMING IN MY EAR-

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