A little too much

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Shawn Mendes liked Camila Cabello, a little too much.

His tiny crush blossomed into love and slowly turned him into a full on stalker.

He watched her when she came to school, memorized her lessons, and knew exactly what she ate for lunch.

But there was one thing that stopped Shawn from asking Camila out.

Short answer Justin, long answer Justin the ass.

Justin was the "bad boy" and so happens to be Camila's lover.

Shawn knew for one that Justin was cheating on Camila with Hailey.

Hailey Baldwin, head of cheer squad and had slept with more guys than how many hours everyone had fallen asleep in math class.

Why didn't Shawn tell Camila? Let's just say Shawn did not want his ass beaten by Justin.

Camila was a good girl, nice and pretty, most importantly the daughter of the principal, but chose the wrong friends.

Justin knew cheating was wrong, but when you cheat on the principal's daughter, satan has already prepared your ticket to hell.

Shawn had caught Hailey and Justin making out in the changing room and Justin had threatened to remove Shawn from the soccer team.

Of course, Shawn being scared, backed off and didn't tell a soul.

Over time, Shawn noticed a change in Camila.

She no longer went to school at 7 o'clock sharp and instead was often late for her biology class, which was her first lesson for every day but Tuesday.

On Tuesdays she was late for music class.

She no longer dressed in a nice top and sensible skirt, replacing it with an oversized hoodie and jeans.

She didn't eat a salad with dressing with a vanilla latte for lunch, sticking with a sandwich with a black coffee.

Shawn happened to stop by at the library one day to return his "Of Mice and Men" book.

To his surprise, Camila was sitting alone in the corner, mesmerized in a book.

"Hello sweetie." The librarian smiled at him, as she had already seen him countless times in the library.

"Hey Mrs Blake, do you have the book I was going to borrow last time? Little Women?" He answered.

Shawn really wanted to borrow Little Women last time he was here, but not surprisingly he had already borrowed 10 and had reached the max limit.

"I think that girl over there is reading it, her name is Camilla I think." Mrs Blake messed up Camila's name, since she had never seen the girl in the library before.

"Camila, her name is Camila." Shawn corrected her.

"Oh are you two friends?" Mrs Blake asked, "She's a beautiful girl"

"Um, I we're in the same chemistry class." Shawn said.

It's your chance to talk to her! Tell her about Hailey!

His inner voice screamed.

"Maybe next time." He blurted out.

Shit. You messed up.

Shawn internally slapped his forehead.

"Hey Mrs Blake! I'm going to return this, do you happen to have the book Of Mice and Men?" a voice chirped behind him.

Uh oh.

"Sure honey, it's with Shawn, he was going to return it, weren't you Shawn?"

Please stop this is really awkward.

"Uh yeah, here it is." He stuttered, looking at the floor.

"Oh. Shawn..." Camila said when she turned to him.

"You two know each other or what? I'm getting confused." Mrs Blake said, looking back and forth at the pair.

"We're in the same chemistry classes." They said in unison.

"Well I sense some chemistry between you two, literally."

They both blushed shyly and Mrs Blake smiled.

"Just to clarify, you guys would make a great couple."

"She has a boyfriend."

"I have a boyfriend."

They said at the same time again.

"Well then break up, it's not that hard."

All of them laughed before jumping into another conversation.

And the books? They were forgotten.


"We need to talk." Shawn said a few months after their impromptu in the library.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Camila asked worriedly.

They had exchanged numbers and after some light texting, they became friends, soon after they were best friends.

"Um, it's about Justin." Shawn said.

"Is he bothering you again? I already told him to stop." Camila replied.

"No it's not that it's...um...he...well...he's been cheating on you..." Shawn mumbled.

"Oh. Okay I like someone else anyways." Camila said calmly.

"You're not mad I didn't tell you before?" Shawn asked, shocked.

"Nope. I'm not mad because I like you, always have, always will."

This is my first imagine please vote and comment it's free 🥺🥺🥺

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