Waiting For a While - 2

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The grass softly touches his body lying on the ground. The delicate white blooms are as bright as ever. This place never seems to change much. The sky is a little dimmer, though, as the sun is beginning to set. It's not always like this. He's still not sure how time works here and how it affects this world.

However, he is sure that he's been in this dreamy space for around an hour already. She did say she might show up late on some nights, but she usually appears half an hour after he does. He starts to worry, but it's cut short when he feels someone roll over onto him and clutch onto his red jacket.

"Oh, um, hi there," he says with an embarrassed giggle. He feels his face heat up at the contact.

"Hi! Wait, you're fine with this, right?" She quickly asks. 

"Uh, well—"

"Ah, sorry about that, I probably made you uncomfortable..." She gets up so that she's kneeling and looking down on his lying body. 

"Well, it did startle me," he admits, "but... I guess I was fine with it." He gives her a warm grin even though he knows that she can't see it.

"Oh, alright then," she says, her voice a lot calmer and more relieved now. "So, you don't mind if I...?"

"... Do that again?" he guesses. His answer is confirmed correct with a nod and a hum. "Then yeah, sure. Thanks for asking this time."

She lies back down on the grass and wraps her arms around his torso. He does the same and brings himself closer to her. It's a little uncomfortable at first with their limbs tangled with each other, but they get used to it. They rest in each other's warmth for a while as a breeze blew by now and then. 

It's a little strange how they can do things like this despite never having seen each other's faces. Then again, it has been a while since they'd first met, and they got to bond since then.

"What do you want to talk about?" the girl asks.

"Hmm, well, these flowers are pretty."

"They are. I think they're..." Distorted noise fills his ears. He winces and grabs onto one of his ears in response.

"S-sorry, what was that?"

"Ah, I guess I can't say that, sorry for the noise."

"It's alright, nothing I can't handle. But... you like flowers, I assume?"

"Yep! They're really interesting. I like to read up on them in my free time. I read up on a lot of things in my free time, actually. History, food, social issues, bugs, random facts, cultures, anything. Did you know that caterpillars have twelve eyes? Or that lilacs symbolize first love?" She pauses, giggling as she realizes she's been rambling.

He smiles. "No, I didn't know that. You're a really interesting person."

"Why thank you," she says with a posh tone, leaving the embrace and sitting up.

"You're very welcome," he replies similarly, joining her. They laugh at the funny voices they used.

As the laughter fades, she sighs. "I wonder when we'll meet."

"I do too. But I guess all we can do is wait."



Instead of the slightly damp grass, Luke is now resting on a drier yet equally soft mattress. His arms are bare, and the sun is up. The circular red clock hanging on the wall across the bed tells him that it's 6:30 AM and that he should get ready for school. He slowly pulls himself up from the warm white sheets and steps onto the cold floor. After tiredly doing some stretches, he begins to prepare for the long school day ahead.

It's been four years since the first time he saw that girl in his dream. It's odd. He should've met her by now. Usually, the fog that obscures your view of your soulmate would fade after few months, sometimes a year. But for four years already, that fog has been fading slightly and coming back the next day or two.

Luke eyes himself in the mirror. He runs a comb through his wet brown hair.

His soulmate has light hair that goes down to the upper half of her back. What exact color? Uh, he's not too sure about that. Seems that that fog affects his memory, too.

He buttons up the thin white shirt covering his chest and places his arms through the sleeves of his red jacket.

It's similar to the jacket she clutched onto in that dream. If only the two of them could do something like that in real life.

A maroon scarf is hung around his neck as he steps out the door. It's almost summer, so he doesn't need it, but he chose to wear it anyway.

How would she look in that scarf? 

What does she even look like?

That girl has been in his head even outside of the dream paradise and he can't get her out. It's not like he wants her out, though. He didn't know how much you could like someone despite not having ever seen their face.

Wheels speed down the gray asphalt road and air sweeps past Luke as he rides his bike to school. He stays careful not to get into any accidents. Small shops and restaurants with walls and roofs of different colors pass by in a blur.

One small building catches his eye, however. He slows to a stop and walks over to the sidewalk to get a better look at it.

Daffodil painted walls with a dark red roof. Behind the windows are people chatting. Some are holding flowers. A decorated sign above the red awning tells him that this is indeed a flower shop.

Various plants fill the pots and baskets outside the shop. Roses, sunflowers, peonies, hyacinths...

Lilacs. That girl in his dreams said that these light purple blooms symbolize first love. He smiles, remembering their time together.

Next to them are small white flowers that resembled some in that other world. The handwriting on a sign says they're daisies. She might like them. She did agree that those flowers were pretty.

Suddenly realizing today's a school day, he checks his watch. 7:30 AM. He still has time. He returns to the road, getting on his bike to cycle to school.

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

Author's Note:
Hi! I didn't think I'd make author's notes for multichapter stories, but here we are lol

I might be adding songs to chapters like I did here :D give the one linked here a listen, it's really nice

(hi yes srry i saw that the last bit of the author's note wasn't italicized so i had to change it lmao 🕺🕺 dw another chapter's coming soon)

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