A First Meeting

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Six sprinted forward, her feet pushing into the ground. They were becoming sore from the rough earth. Her breath was heavy, mind full of fear. Close behind her, the light from a large flashlight flashed through the dark and eerie forest around. Large and unsteady footsteps loudly stomped against the dirt and crunching leaves. Six sharply turned to a large tree and skidded to a halt with her back against the trunk. Barely peeking around the side, the strained and wheezing breathes of the Hunter, as Six called the predator, came closer and closer. Panting, Six frantically looked around for something. Anything that would help get her out of here. Her eye's landed on a small pebble in the grass. The girl slowly crouched towards it, careful not to step on anything that may sound out her doom. Six picked it up and quickly threw it in the opposite direction. In a flash, a loud boom echoed and shook the forest. The pebble crumbled into small pieces in the dry mud as Six dashed for a crook within a nearby Oak.

Six tried to slow her breathing and racing heart as she crawled around tangled roots and cracks. The old gray sweater she wore gathered dirt as she made her way through. A bright light came from the exit of the tunnel as Six neared it. She crawled out and lifted herself to stand on wobbly legs, so weak from her escape. Six was lucky she knew how to get around monsters looking to harm her, but this forest was somewhere she knew nothing about. Not like the Maw. She'd only washed up on it's shore about a day ago. It didn't matter though. She was lost, and getting out of here was the only thing on her mind. When she had gained control of her body again, Six looked up. She almost gasped as she froze in place. 

Is that...? 

A slumped over figure sat atop one of the bare branches of a tree. A boy wearing a paper bag over his head stared back at the girl, the bright white light of the moon lined his silhouette. He hugged his knees as if needing comfort. Six stood there. Her thoughts slowly drifted away from her. As if in a trance, the two gazed at each other. A feeling Six didn't recognize stirred in her chest. She steadily started to creep forward, something drawing her to him. 

Why was she so intrigued by this kid? 

Fog from the woods hovered over bushes and tall grass below his perch. 

Was that a hint of curiosity in his expression? How could she even tell...

All of a sudden, the stillness was filled with horror as Six looked up to see the Hunter lumbering around the corner to stand above her. Fear engulfed the girl, realizing she was cornered. The beast's flashlight blinded Six as her vision slowly faded. 

Shadows...to dark...then... 


Oh boy, another one finished! I cannot tell you the excitement I felt when I saw the comic yesterday! That scene between Mono and Six was just too damn sweet! And the music is just too beautiful. I can't wait for this game!!! :D

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