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dixies pov

'' im ophelia richards '' the woman said

'' now you wanna switch up'' i said

'' what '' ophelia said

'' charli told me you hated her '' i said

'' i did hate her but i regret it now she makes josh happy so i guess i like her all i cared about was joshs and my reputation im sorry '' ophelia said

'' ok i guess you can come in your apology seems sincere '' i said

'' thank you '' ophelia said

'' hey charli im sorry i treated you that way i regret it and i regret trying to get rid of you '' ophelia said

'' IM SORRY  WHAT '' my mom yelled

'' YOU  TRIED  TO KILL MY  CHARLI ?! '' my mom yelled

'' WHY '' my dad yelled 

'' of course not the truth is i paid someone to drug josh and to make it look like he was cheating on her '' ophelia said

'' i didn't care about her or him i just cared about myself and joshs reputation but i realize now that doesn't matter to me anymore '' ophelia said

'' you are terrible '' my mom said

'' mom! '' i said

'' get out now '' my mom said

'' but i- '' ophelia said

'' mom what are you doing '' i asked

'' SECURITY'' my dad yelled

why won't they forgive her the truth sounded real to me who would make that up

2 hours later

i talked to charli a lot to help

i told her about all fun times we had as kids

'' how is she '' i heard a voice as i turned its chase

'' chase get out now'' i said

'' i came to visit her as a friend dix chill '' chase said

'' now you wanna switch up after all the things you said about her you called her clingy and insecure and you don't need someone like her '' i said

'' yeah i did say that and that's not why im here the flowers aren't from me anyway my mom said to leave these flowers here cause she feels sad and she loves charli '' chase said

'' whatever just leave your flowers and leave '' i said

he placed the flowers next to her

as he stared at her

and stared and stared

what the fuck


'' fine '' chase said as he left

olivias pov

hours later

i saw darianka put a ski mask on

'' dari why are you wearing that ski mask '' i asked

'' im gonna hack someone's phone '' dari said

'' who's phone '' i asked

'' charlis '' dari said

'' i know we hate her but why do you wanna hack her phone '' i asked

'' to delete photos of her and josh when she wakes up she might have no memory my grandma was in a coma for 4 months and had memory loss but it slowly came back when she was looking at photos of people '' dari said

'' ok '' i said

'' so im gonna delete the photos of her and josh cause she'll have memory loss keep up olivia '' dari said

'' dari it's only been 3 days '' olivia said

'' that's what i said and thought my grandma would wake up sooner but she didn't '' olivia said

'' fine let's do it '' i said

10 minutes later

we snuck through the vents and arrived in charlis hospital room

'' where do you think they keep the phones '' dari asked

'' in that box '' i said

'' ok let's search '' dari said

10 minutes later

we finally found the phone

'' but we don't even have a pas- '' i said as dari already opened her phone

'' oh ok nice '' i said

13 minutes later

she deleted all photos of josh and photos of charli with her friends but why with friends though

she unfollowed  all charlis friends

'' now we have to hack charlis friends phones '' dari said

'' why did you delete her photos with friends '' i asked

'' cause she won't have any memory of them '' dari said

what does she mean by that

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