The Tri-State Troop Convention

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"C'mon Candace, we're going to be late!" Isabella Garcia-Shapiro called out, rearranging her sash to make sure her numerous pins and badges were put together. After all, she wanted to earn her "Put together after the 83rd annual Tri-State Troop convention" patch.

"Are you sure I can even come to this thing Isabella?" Candace asked, emerging out of the bathroom. Isabella did a double-take upon her arrival-her sash was tangled, her pins dangling, and her hair an absolute wreck.

"Girls, remember your training!" Isabella yelled, and in came her loyal troop, making Candace look put together in no time. "And don't worry about that Candace, you're a legend among the Fireside troops. You belong there."

"Alright, alright," Candace said, doing one last look in the mirror. "And good job you guys."

There was a pause before Candace turned to scream out into the hallways.

"Phineas and Ferb! I'm going to be out all day, so don't do anything bust-worthy. I already installed a video camera and I'll be watching you like a hawk all day and all-"

"Candace, enough with that screeching," Linda Flynn-Fletcher said, peeking her head through the doorway. "And besides, the boys are out with Dad on a boating trip. Go already, and have fun!"

Isabella took Candace's hand and started leading her to the door.

"Alright Fireside girls, let's earn our "Let's be Early to Every Event in the month of October" badge!"


Candace stared out into the crowd, searching for the familiar red and orange uniforms she had gotten to know so well. Someone had recognized her, not as someone who has earned 50 badges in one day, but as Phineas and Ferb's sister.

Obviously, that turned into a rant about her troublesome little brothers. But then, she was somehow thrust into a juggling competition, which she, and Candace wasn't one to brag, absolutely demolished. But now Candace was lost in a sea of perky young kids who smelled like campfires and cookies.

"I need to have Phineas and Ferb turn this into a candle," Candace muttered to herself, before making her way through the crowd. "But where are they...hey ow!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The chubby little boy said, picking himself off the ground. He looked at Candace with wide eyes. "I was lost, and I can't find Carl, who took me here, and now I-wait, where's my..."

Candace followed the little boy's eyes up into the bright blue sky above them. There were two balloons floating high up in the air, about to become lost in the clouds.

"Aw man," The boy said. "There goes my two dollars."

"Look kid, I don't know who you are, but just watch where you're going, alright?" Candace said."Now if you excuse me, I need to find some people..."

"Oh!" The boy piped up. "You're lost too? Great, that means we can help each other!"

"Uh, sorry kid," Candace said, already beginning to walk away. "But I don't know you."

"You can trust me, I'm a Wilderness Scout. My name's Russell," he said, running to catch up to Candace.

"Candace," she responded, still walking, but slower. "And fine. If you see a ton of girls in red and orange with really high-pitched voices, let me know."

"And if you see a grumpy old man with a square-shaped head, you let me know. I know a square head is kind of weird but-"

"It's okay kid, my brother's head is a triangle," Candace said. "Oh hey, that old guy with the ice cream cone, is that him?"

"Yes! Hey Carl, Carl!" Russell shouted out, squeezing his way through the crowd to get to him. He narrowly avoided an extreme cup-stacking competition, and Candace watched as his face lit up with joy as he approached this elderly man with a mean look on his face.

"I uh-oh whatever," Candace grumbled, making up her mind to follow Russell. After all, she didn't know where else to go and she still needed the boy's help to find Isabella and the others.

"You're the young lady who helped Russell find me," The older man said in a low voice as Candace walked over.

"Er, yes sir," she said awkwardly. "But I've gotta go, so if you don't mind-"

"Thank you," He interrupted. "You know, my Ellie was a Fireside girl. You're all a feisty bunch, aren't ya?"

Candace opened her mouth to respond, but then the older man gave a low chuckle, shaking his head to himself. He must have found something amusing.

"Hey, do you hear something?" Russell said, looking around. "Something is calling-"

"Candace!" Isabella said, breaking through the crowd. "There you are, we've been looking all over for you. And here's your "best at hide-and-seek" patch!"

"My what?" Candace asked. "For crying out loud Isabella, it's been two hours! Is that why I couldn't find any of you guys?"

Isabella looked surprised and Candace couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"So this is how Perry feels. Great. Oh, whatever, see ya kid, and your old man or whatever," Candace said, waving goodbye to the pair she had just met.

"Bye Candace!" Russell shouted out, a wide grin on his face. "Nice meeting you!"

Candace nodded in return and followed the chattering Fireside girls to whatever planned activity was next. Candace and Russell would never cross paths again, but it is fascinating to see these two interact, for just a day, a moment.

The End.


I asked two friends to give me two random characters, and out came this wholesome crossover between Candace and Russell. Idk, I thought it was cute. 

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