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(TW: feelings, light smut)

The cool air sticks to my arms as I lift the necklace to my neck, carefully securing it before letting the icy silver touch my pale skin. I look up to see my reflection, the dark hair a big contrast to the white that covers my muscles. Usually, my hair would match with the similar tone of the thin eyeliner dancing across my eyelid, but not today. The polyjuice doesn't hide things like that.

A warm sensation shivers across my skin as I slide my fur coat on. To my disappointment, not even the comfort of my jacket seems to warm me to my core. My eyes follow the edge of my jacket leading to my slim neck, with the necklace reflecting the cold light of the moon gently rising outside. I force myself to look in the deep green holes that are my eyes, the same eyes that are gonna witness this gods-forsaken mission. As I run it through my head, one last time, my thoughts stop and linger at her. How could I do this to her? Wouldn't death be a sweeter embrace than my own? I hear an exhausted sigh leave my body as I turn away from the mirror I wasn't really looking at. I have to do this.

The first step towards the door is always hard, but this time, at this door, it seems nearly impossible. With shaky steps I walk towards the dark oak door of her home. As I knock I notice two crows sitting on the rooftop, before a fairly tall, dark haired woman opens the door.

"Can I help you?" She asks in a calm voice, tilting her head a little.

"Hello," My voice is distant and shaky, "I'm looking for Hermione, is she home?"

"Yes, but she's leaving in five minutes." The woman smiles. She's precise, much like my own mother. A shiver runs down my spine and I nod, returning a worried smile.

"Can I come in?" The woman steps aside, and lets me walk in. A feeling of disappointment mixes with the anxiety present in my arms. I walk through her house, and into her room. The feeling of being the imposter floods my body as I gently open the door.

"Hello?" I ask, voice small and scared. She turns her head from the briefcase filled with neatly folded clothes. A grimace of pure shock spreads across her face, a tint of paranoia in her brown full eyes. I hate this.

"Pansy?" She steps closer and puffs her chest a little bit. "What are you doing here? Are you alone?" Fear makes its presence clear in her face, as a deep line forms between her brows, and she looks at her wand.

I look at the carpeted floor and sigh tiredly. "Yes, I'm alone. I actually-" My hands start to sweat, and I grab the fur lightly, seeking comfort. "I came here to tell you something. It's a little odd, but uh... " My eyes start searching for her closet, but they land on her instead. The paranoia in her eyes is now accompanied by compassion. Soft fucking gryffindors.

"What is it?" Her muscles are relaxed.

"It's easier to show you, really," I say, tears forming in my eyes. I don't wanna do it like this. She tilts her head a little bit, and looks at the clock.

"Well it's got to be fast then. But alright." I press my eyelids together and take a deep breath, feeling the air go to my head and leave me lightheaded and weak. Two steps closer to her and I rest my hand on her cheek. She's startled, and I don't blame her. I close my eyes so as to not see any discomfort, before leaning forward and gently touching her lips with mine. In a desperate search for confirmation, I open my eyes. Her breath is shaky, but her eyes are sparkling. She leans forward, and as we kiss my lips work as a reflection of hers.

The closet. I push her up against the wall right next to the closet and stop kissing her. Under my breath I cast a silencing spell on her entire room, and lift her up to sit on my hips. Oh how I wish this wasn't a mission. I whisper in her ear, "You're so pretty it hurts" and I get to feel her skin blush against mine before distracting her with another kiss. I grab her hair lightly, and pull out a small strand for the potion.

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