The New Year

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New year passes quickly, almost too quickly for my liking. I didn't get out of bed until nearly 2pm on New Years Day. What I forgot about is, we have to go back to school on Monday; it is only in two days time. When the Weasley's finally awakened from their second hungover slumber, Mrs Weasley was already barking orders for everyone to pack their things and get ready to leave after dinner. It was sad that they had to go but I would see them on the train in two days anyway.

When Evie's parents woke up, they found that there was a glass of water sat floating next to them for if they needed it when they woke up. They started to pack their things straight away and came downstairs to find any food that was offered to them. I woke Evie up gently until the twins came bursting in and scared the daylights out of us.

"MORNING!" They shouted and Evie shot up out of bed. I could have slapped them both but chose not to and instead dragged them into a hug, they were leaving in probably three and a half hours time but it seemed like they had only just arrived when in all fairness, it had been weeks. I would be lying if I said I didn't cry a little bit at the thought of two days without the three of them, I am far too clingy at times but they put up with it. For the rest of the day, we sat around and just talked and wound down after the past three weeks. We ended up playing hide and seek but i had to promise not to hide in one of my tunnels as a ferret because that is just unfair.

Dinner was ready, the afternoon had just disappeared, it was nearly time for everyone to leave. The house would be quiet again, it just seemed wrong, there would be no laughter from the twins or smart remarks from Percy and Evie wouldn't be there to let me slowly start jokingly attacking her when I'm hyper. It's only for two days. I'll be OK. I kept repeating to myself. Mrs Weasley and Kreature had put together a large spread of food for us. Suddenly everyone was sitting in the kitchen, I loved this buzz, the sound of everyone happy. I only ate a few bits, I wasn't that hungry.

No one wanted to leave until it was absolutely necessary, the Weasley's left at about 6 pm and we apparated with Evie's family at 6:30, we made sure she had everything, including some of my clothes which I didn't see she'd taken until we were ready to leave. I didn't want her to leave but she had to go home to pack ready for going back to school, as did I. Once we had taken them home and the house was empty my emotions started to catch up with me; I was tired and my best friends had just left.

"Dad, can I have a hug please?" I asked Remus, of course he obliged and hugged me. I love his hugs, the wolfish hugs. Then Sirius sneaked up behind me and wrapped his arms around us both and it was a lovely hug where I was sandwiched in the middle.

We played chess for the rest of the evening until it was time to go to bed, the games were so fun and didn't last long unless I wanted them to win for once. Sirius always got very hyper when he thought he had a chance to win, then I would come along and check mate without them knowing that it was even possible to play it on that move. Over the weekend, I spent as much time writing notes to Evie and the twins telling them that I miss them as I did messing around with my dads, when it came to Sunday, the day seemed to go so fast. We messed around on brooms and I started to pack my trunk. I got a letter from Fred and George, interrupting me packing, asking how I was and telling me that there was something hidden at school and Ron was in trouble for going to look for it over Christmas with Harry. What could be hidden though? What did Dumbledore treasure so much to hide in Hogwarts when he knew that someone would probably go looking for it; the way he sounded when he reminded us that the third floor corridor was out of bounds was almost like he was luring us into it. I wrote back telling them to meet me in the marauders cabin, if we don't meet before and then carried on sorting out my robes ready to go into my trunk. With a wand flick, they were crease-free and folded ready to be packed away, Remus came in and just smiled at me, he never said much but his smile always filled in for the words. I noticed as he was walking out, he dropped an envelope; a large size envelope that looked like it had something big in it, when I picked it up it wasn't heavy but very squishy almost like a blanket or a hoodie. As I was opening it, a little note dropped out in Evie's handwriting, explaining that she wanted me to have this blanket as a token of friendship, it was a matching copy to the blanket she had. Her grandma passed it to her after it was made and I was to treasure it for as long as our friendship lasts.

I couldn't sleep, thinking about what Fred and George mentioned with Ron sneaking around at hogwarts. I was scared of what they were on about but knew I'd be ok as long as I stuck with Evie; we kept reminding each of that. My bed just seemed so uncomfortable tonight, I couldn't seem to lay in one position for more than a minute even cuddling the blanket that Evie had sent too many thoughts about what could be going wrong as school flooded my head. There had been rumours flying around about it even before Christmas but I didn't listen to them. Through the night I kept walking around, I thought at the time that it would help but it didn't. Sirius and Remus were fast asleep and didn't notice that I was awake; waking them would just be unfair. I got a book out of my trunk and started doing the work I had to do for Professor Binns. I only had one paragraph left to write and i was planning to do it back at school but i had nothing else to do at 1 o'clock in the morning.

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