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No ones POV

The Dive massive multiplayer online role playing immersive game Yggdrasil was released in 2126 it sported an expansive map with a very high level of player freedom, these features among a plethora of others made it stand out above other DMMORPG'S of its time and became widely popular around the world. But now after 12 years of operation its finally shutting down its servers.

Third person Pov

The Castle of Avalon.

In the Castle of Avalon headquarters of the Twilight Lords, on the 25th floor resided 50 figures. It is the last day of Yggdrasil, Aksis Guild Master of the Twilight Lords manage to convince the members to come and meet and say good bye to each other.

Aksis Pov

Aksis: Well everyone the day is finally here, Yggdrasil is shutting down after 12 years.

Member: Yes but I'm glad all of us are hear for one final time together.

Member: It was fun I will miss all of our Adventures together and Aksis thanks for bringing us together, perhaps when Yggdrasil 2 comes we can be in a guild together again.

Aksis: Ok I'll hold you to that.

After a few hours everyone left.

Aksis: (thoughts) I'm glad everyone came and said there goodbyes. I will miss Avalon we conquered this place through a special event and it was worth it, its a real shame Yggdrasil is shutting down. Huh Momonga's online I'll send him a message telling I'm coming to Nazarick to visit I just hope he's not AFK.

Aksis: (message)Hey Momonga I'm coming to Nazarick to visit.

Momonga: (message)Aksis, man its good see your online for the final day, alright see you when you get here.

I walk to the massive balcony and summon one of my dragons.


My dragon Ouros descended on the platform and I mounted him then we flew off to Nazarick.

30 minutes later

Ouros lands right outside of Nazarick and I dismount him.

Aksis: Ok time to see where Momonga is at. He's on the ninth the round table room ok where's that ring Touch Me gave me, oh come I know its here somewhere oh here it is.

I teleport at the entrance of the round table room and I open the Door to find Momonga and Herohero sitting at the round table.

I teleport at the entrance of the round table room and I open the Door to find Momonga and Herohero sitting at the round table

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Aksis: Hey Momonga and Herohero

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Aksis: Hey Momonga and Herohero.

Momonga/Herohero: Hello Aksis.

Aksis: Its great see you here Herohero.

Momonga: Yeah you haven't been on in 2 years.

Herohero: Really its been that long, damn I feel like my avatar right and I'm totally exhausted from work. Well I have to get off now.

Momonga: Are you sure you can't stay until the servers shutdown Herohero.

Herohero: Yes I'm sure Momonga I wish could stay until the servers shutdown. I will see you all on the flip side bye Momonga  and take care Aksis.

Aksis: Take care Herohero.

Momanga: Goodbye my friend.

With that Herohero logged out of the game.

Momonaga: It was fun. In fact it was a blast

Aksis: Yeah it really was a blast an awesome one.

Then after a few seconds Momonga slammed his fist on the table which shocked me.

Momonga: How could they just abandon the guild like that we built this place out blood, sweat and tears!

Aksis: Momonga calm down they didn't abandon the guild its just circumstances in real life forced them to quit the game and I'm sure all of them wish they were here with you I guarantee it.

Momonga: Your right shouldn't have lost my cool its just I wish they could all be hear for the last day Yggdrasil and did any of your guild members come for the last day.

Aksis: All members came for the last day.

Momonga: Well I'm glad your guild members said there good buys to each other and you. You are a great leader to place your guild in rank 5 of the leaderboard.

Aksis: Yeah I know it was hard work but it was all worth the end but I'm just disappointed they're closing the game down.

We stood silent for a few seconds

Momonga: Hey Aksis?

Aksis: Yes Momonga?

Momonga: Do you want to take one last look around the tomb with me?

Aksis: Sure I would love to.

He then grabbed the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown his guild weapon. We started to walk around the tomb and finally made it to the throne room and Momonga walked towards the Throne, he then ordered the Pleiades to standby they all give a slight bow before moving to the side and Momonga sat down on the Throne of Kings. We then see Albedo leader of the floor guardians in front of us.

He then opened up character commands and then I ask him.

Aksis: Why are you smiling for, oh my what did you do Momonga.

Momonga: See for yourself. He said waving his hand.

I look at the character commands. He opened up:

All female npc's

/In love with Aksis\ was written.

Aksis: Was that really necessary to do that?

Momonga: Come on don't be a sourpuss it's the last day of the game and besides admit it its kinda funny.

Aksis: Fine I'll let it go and I guess it is kinda funny.

Thats when I look at the timer.

Aksis: Well this it the final countdown, hey Momonga lets meet up tomorrow after work and hang out.

Momonga: Alright I would like that, whelp goodbye Yggdrasil.






Aksis/Momonga: What! We both shout.

A/n: You will see Avalon's npc's in chapter 2 until then peace out.

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