Chapter 16

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"Well, they're on Lothal now," Hera said as she walked up to Jax, Alema, Zeb, and Sabine. "They said Ryder should be coming soon."

Jax nodded. "Sounds good." He had been the one to find the information about Thrawn on Lothal and his new project that they didn't know anything about. So, Ezra and Kanan had volunteered to go and investigate with the help of Ryder Azadi.

Hera gave him a knowing glance. "Fulcrum's intel seems to be quite reliable. They're doing a good job."

Sabine glanced between Hera and Jax. "Well, their information is good, but I feel like you two are hiding something. What's going on?"

"Yeah, what secrets are you keeping?" Zeb growled. "You're not working for the Empire, are you?"

Jax laughed. "No, we're not," he glanced at Hera, who gave him a nod. "I'm Fulcrum."

Sabine arched an eyebrow. "So you're the one who's been giving us all this intel?"

"No," Jax replied slowly. "I've only recently been recruited. That's not me."

"Do you know who it is, then?" Zeb asked.

Jax winked. "That's top secret."

"He doesn't," Alema summarized.

Jax bit back a retort. That was a lie, but not that Alema knew that.

"Well, thanks for telling us," Sabine said. "Is that why you've been acting like you've been hiding something and why you fall asleep in briefings?"

Jax nodded. "Yeah," he replied, his ears growing warm. "I know I'm a terrible liar."

"That's an understatement," Alema muttered.

"Hey!" Jax said. "No reason to rub it in!"

"Just doing my job," Alema said with a smile.

"You don't seem too shocked by this," Zeb noticed.

"I knew," Alema replied, shrinking from embarrassment. "Jax told me. I've been helping him since Jax needs someone to make sure he doesn't kill himself."

"Makes sense," Sabine agreed. "Have you told Rex?"

Jax glanced back. "Uh--you know, I should probably do that."

"He's been worried enough the way it is," Hera said.

Jax sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I know," he murmured. "But I--I guess it just slipped my mind."

"You should really tell him," Hera said. "He's your father. He's told me how worried he is about you."

"Alright," Jax agreed. "I will," he paused, looking around. "Where is he, anyway?"

"I think he's in his living quarters," Sabine said, pointing to where the housing was.

Jax nodded. "'Lema, you wanna come with?"

Alema shrugged. "Why not?"

Jax waved back as he walked away. "See you all later!"

Alema rolled her eyes. "Jax, you practically live with them. Do you have to be so dramatic?"

Jax gasped dramatically and put a hand on his chest. "Are you saying I'm dramatic ?"

"Are you deaf?" Alema retorted.

"I am insulted!" Jax said.

"Could you stop talking for once?" Alema growled.

Jax immediately feared his life. Alema was scary. "Yes, ma'am," he squeaked.

Alema smirked. "Good." She opened Rex's room's door and called out his name.

Jax heard his father clear his throat and quickly hide something. "Yes?"

"Could I talk to you?" Jax asked.

Rex came up to Jax. "Of course. Is something wrong? Are you hurt? Sick?"

Jax smiled. His father was so caring. "No, I'm fine. But it's kind of important."

"Okay," Rex said slowly.

"I'm Fulcrum," Jax blurted.

"I know," Was all Rex said.

Jax blinked. "You...did?"

"Well, I guessed," Rex corrected. "Your mom was the first Fulcrum. I've seen the work she's done. I guessed you would follow her footsteps."

"Oh," Was all Jax said. "So you're okay with it?"

"Of course," Rex reassured him. "I'm proud of you."


"I've never seen an Imperial fighter like that," Hera commented, looking at the image on the briefing desk, Jax, Alema, Sabine, and Zeb circled around it. "Sabine, talk to me."

"Looks like some new kind of TIE interceptor," Sabine replied, her finger hovering over the words on the image. "But this one has shields."

"But TIE fighters never had shields before," Jax said.

"Maybe that's why it's so secret," Zeb said.

"If they're actually building these in numbers, our pilots won't stand a chance," Hera said.

"And neither will the Rebellion," Kanan said through the transmission.

"How'd you get past Thrawn with these plans?" Hera asked. "Someone's losing more than their job for that."

"I guess we can thank Agent Kallus," Kanan said. "He knew Fulcrum's secret code phrase."

"Wait, wait, wait," Sabine said. " Kallus is Fulcrum? How does that even make sense?"

Jax didn't say anything, he just smirked.

"Karabast," Zeb cursed. He scratched the back of his head. "I must've recruited him! You know, accidentally."

"You mean when you were stuck on that ice moon with him?" Ezra asked.

"Yeah, well, we didn't kill each other, so I guess we're... friends now?" Zeb replied, scratching the back of his head, obviously confused.

"Still, we'll use caution with our new friend until we're sure we know what game he's playing," Hera said sternly.

"We'll be coming back soon," Kanan said.

Hera nodded. "See you soon." The transmission ended, and Hera rubbed her forehead.

"Kallus is Fulcrum!" Zeb exclaimed. "I still can't believe it!"

"Jax," Hera said. "May I talk to you for a moment?"

Jax nodded. "Sure thing, Hera."

Hera put a hand on his back and led him away so no one could hear them. "Did you know Kallus was Fulcrum?"

Jax nodded. "Yeah, my mom recruited him not long before... you know."

Hera gave Jax a sympathetic look. "Still as hard to talk about?"

Jax turned his head. "It never gets better, does it?" It sure hadn't for him.

"Sometimes it does," Hera replied. "But it never stops hurting."

"Good to know," Jax muttered. "Anything else?"

"Just remember to make sure you're getting enough sleep," Hera said sternly. "We need you awake."

Jax smiled. "Sure thing, Captain."

I Was So Sure (Sequel to True Colors)Where stories live. Discover now