"Show me the colors"

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Once I went up to my sister and said to her:

"Charlotte, can you show me the colors?"

I could not see what she did, but judging by the sound she turned to me... And then, she took my hand and dragged me into the garden. It was warm and sunny, she gave me the warmth that this big star radiated...

And then, she asked me:

"What do you feel?"

"Warmth..." Said i "i feel warmth."

"That's red." My sister said "The color of love and anger... Your hair are red, like our dad's and our granddad's. Auntie Lolita also has a red hair. "

I imagined the red color on my curly hair. It was hard for me, the blind person, but i imagined it... It was beautiful on me. My sister described me a lot of times, but she never described a colors to me. Now, i have some ideas how i'm actually looking...

Charlotte took my hand again and lowered it into the fountain in the middle of the garden.

"What do you feel now?"

"Cold... But this is relaxing cold..."

"That's right. The blue is color of calming and relaxing"

Then, my sister pulled my hand out of the fountain and laid it on the grass.

"It's a green. The color of life." Said Charlotte "A lot of plants, grass and leaves on trees are have a green color."

It's amazing... A lot of nature materials have a green color and because of this it called a color of life...

This time, my sister sister simply raised my hand up.

"What do you feel?"

This question confused me a little. How i can feel something?

"Nothing, sister... I feel nothing."

"It's black. The dark color of void, sorrow, and mystery..." Said Charlotte "A lot of things in our manor which have a black color..."

I was quiet. The color black is gave me not so good vibes... Even if it's a favourite color of my sister.

"Should i explain more colors to you?" I heard from my sister.

"Yes, please..."

"Let's go then!"


Jan looked rather tired, but still he did not break away from work in the kitchen. The door creaked suddenly. Jan raised his head.

"Tekki! Why do you walking alone?" Said Jan, placing the plates in it's place.

"You know dad, i don't need someone for freely walking..."

"You need, Tekki. You're blind, you can just trip or stumble upon the wrong person..."

"But now is not about this, dad..."

Jan got confused a little.

"Charlotte showd me the colors." Said Tekki "She said that you and me have red hair... Dad, is red a beautiful color?"

Jan wanted to cry... He hugged his son.

"The beautiest, Tekki, the beautiest..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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