Chapter 20: Work Studies (Part 2)

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Hawks briefed Rika on the mission he was assigned from the commission. His mission was to get surveillance and gain intel on a specific Yakuza group, the Shie Hassaikai. Rika had never heard of them before but apparently, they had been around for a while now. The Hassaikai were located all over Japan in different cities but they couldn't pinpoint where their new leader lives. The mission was to specifically gain more intel on their leader.

"Okay and that's where I come in huh? You need me to read his mind so I can learn information without engaging in him." Rika pinched her chin with her thumb and forefinger.

"Yup, but we have to find him first. I need you to help me find him as well. I can take to the skies and lookout, while you tread the streets and listen." Hawks shoved a few papers around his desk.

He pulled out a single paper with one Hassaikai member on it. The name read, Kai Chisaki in big bold letters. There was a picture of the man who wore a long bird mask. He had on a green jacket with a purple fur collar around his neck. Underneath the loud jacket was a black button-up finished with a grey tie. "Alright, this is what he looks like. We need to locate him as quickly as possible."

"Alright, so we need to locate this Chisaki guy and then learn where he lives. Simple enough." Rika said through a chuckle, as she rolled her eyes.

"That's why I could really use your help. We have only been able to gain a small amount of information so far, but with your quirk, you can help me find him faster." Hawks shuffled through the papers once more and pulled out one with a list of cities on it.

"This is a list of cities Chisaki has been seen in. It seems to be the same 10 cities throughout Japan. So we are going to scout every single one of these cities. Is that cool with you kid?" Hawks handed the paper over to Rika.

"I'm in! I want to help bring this group down. I'll talk to UA about getting permission about traveling and extra lessons." Rika and Hawks exchanged nods and constituted talking about the mission for a few more hours. Before Rika knew it she had to head home for the night and tried to rest as much as she could, but Chisaki filled her thoughts.

After a few hours of sleep, Rika headed back to UA for class. She would have to talk with principal Nezu today about her work-study with Hawks to make sure she can actually participate in the mission with Hawks. The school only gave Rika permission to gather intel from the Haissaikai, but they never gave her permission to travel and search for the leader.

'Shit Shota is going to be so pissed.'

She made it to the school a little early and headed straight for Nezu's office. 'All I need is Nezu's approval, hopefully, I won't have to deal with Shota yet.'

Principle Nezu's door was shut when Rika arrived. She took a deep breath in and tried to calm her nerves, she was really excited about being able to travel and track down a Yakuza member with Hawks. She knew there are risks but that's what being a hero means right? She gave the door a slight tap as she expelled her lungs.

"Come in" came from the other side of the door.

Rika turned the handle and pushed open the door. Shit. Principle Nezu sat on his chair behind his desk, but she barely even noticed once her eyes locked with Aizawa's. Her face went flush and her mouth went dry. Shit. It sounded like Nezu was talking but Rika couldn't hear what he was saying, how was she supposed to ask Nezu now? Shit.

"Ms. Date are you alright?" Rika finally broke her trance and turned to face the principal.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I uh came here to talk to you about my work-study." Rika didn't dare look in Aizawa's direction, but she didn't need to she could feel his eyes burning through her skull. She took another breath to calm herself she began to explain to Nezu the new mission Hawks was assigned and how it would require them to travel.

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