chapter 1

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new york - a few days earlier.
"i loved new york!" i say to my best friend willow as we were packing our things ready to head to our final destination; london. "it was really fun especially in the night." willow says. i nod. it felt bittersweet having to leave this fun place. you certainly wouldn't be able to experience this anywhere else. once we finished packing, we headed down to the lobby to hand back our keys and sign out. "thank you for staying!" the hotel worker said when we left. "y/n, want to get our last new york coffee before we go to the airport?" willow asks. "yes!"


london international airport, a few days later.
we finally touched down in london after a long 7 hours on the plane. willow and i were exhausted. i felt really jet lagged, i had to get to the hotel as soon as i could so i could just sleep. i followed willow off the plane and to the baggage collection area. we picked up our bags and walked outside. "woah!" my jaw dropped. all of my dreams came true. it was my dream since i was a kid to be able to visit london. all the architecture, the double decker busses, i was in awe. "y/n! come on. we have all month to admire this!" willow laughs. she drags me by the arm and we start to walk to our hotel room. my legs felt like jelly walking after sitting for so long. carrying all of our bags didn't help either, especially since we were about to walk through where all the skaters were. as we walk through all of the talented skaters doing tricks, i noticed from the corner of my eye someone was coming my way. "willow! watch out!" it was too late, as the boy crashed into us. he brushed himself off and we locked eyes for a second. he was very tall with floppy brown hair, beautiful bone structure, the cutest smile and big brown eyes. "hey" he said. i was shocked that his boy, who looked my age, was this perfect. i have never met a boy this perfect before. i would say i literally fell for him. "hi!"
"oh my goodness i'm so sorry" he started to tidy up the mess we made on the footpath and he handed my bags. "no don't worry, it's all good here!" the boy stared at us for a bit. he looked at us funny for a little bit. "you guys aren't from london, aren't you?"
"no, we are from australia actually hahaha!" i laugh. he nods his head and puts his hand out to shake our hands. "louis." he introduced himself. "i'm y/n and this is my best friend willow." i blush. "anyways, would you like a tour around?" louis asks us. how could we say no! "yes, of course!" we say. "let's go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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