Talking to Boat(Gx)

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Pt3 to 'Partnership of Corruption' 

A few weeks Later.


The gang has been observing Boat for a few weeks now. Plotting how to get him back. Luckily Nobody's been challenged to a battle yet and Boat hasn't severely injured anyone. Richie was really worried, he never told anyone. But he had a crush on his fellow Ry.(Idk how to fricken spell these names ;-;) 

Of course he was probably trying the hardest of the group to get him back. He avoided talking to Boat, not wanting to risk getting in a fight with him. But today was the day he would try to talk to him.


Richie's Pov


Richie: I was sat on the couch, waiting for Boat to come down. I was excited but nervous at the same time when he finally came down the stairs. 

Richie: "Good morning Boat! How are you?"

Richie: I tried to keep my voice calm and cheerful as if nothing was wrong. Although, he seemed to not want to talk to me as he completely ignored me. It hurt a little to be ignored by my crush, But I just had to remember it wasn't him.

Richie: "Boat? are you ok?"

Richie: he sighed, seeming to be annoyed.

Boat: "Besides annoying pests in my way, I'm perfectly fine."

Richie: That definitely was one thing I didn't want to get used to.

Richie: "are you sure your ok? your usually so nice, have you been getting sleep?"

Boat: "I told you, I'm fine. Stop pestering me."

Richie: So far, I've noticed something about our conversation.  He hasn't been particularly mean to me, which is much different from his conversations with the other students. could it be because we're friends? I patted the space on the couch beside me.

Richie: "Come sit. Relax for a bit."

Richie: He contemplated it for a bit before deciding to sit.   

Boat: "With how nice your acting, I should be the one asking if your ok."

Richie: I chuckled at his statement. It's true I was being nicer to him then usual, It was strange, almost like we switched personality's.

Richie: "Well, I just thought I should be nice to you for once, your my friend."

Boat: "hmmm."

Richie: "I heard that you've been challenging people to duel's like Crazy, may I ask why?"

Richie: He looked away, deep in thought.

Boat: "Power's nice...I want to be the strongest, so nobody can ever hurt me again."

Richie: "what happened to make you feel that way?"

Boat: "I found out Fenix had faked the whole memory loss thing. I challenged him to a duel. But the only way he would except was if I bet Yamato..."

Richie: I knew where this was going.

Boat: "I figured I could win so I accepted his terms...But then I lost...I've never felt so much pain."

Richie: I frowned as tears started to form in his eyes. I pulled him into a hug. I didn't like seeing him cry. he sniffled after a few minutes, pushing himself away from me.

Boat: "Tell anyone about this and I'll beat you so bad you'll never want to duel again."

Richie: Anyone else would be terrified bye his words and tone of voice but I merely laughed at him.

Richie: "I promise."

Richie: I smiled, knowing I had made progress, despite being Corrupted he still had a soft spot.


Just hope I can get him back


To be Continued u-u 

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