21st Century Star-Crossed Lovers {A Phanfic One-Shot}

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Phil POV

"Hey Phil! The world is supposed to end today!" Dan said hugging me. "Yeah I know! Isn't it great?" I hugged him back. I wish I could tell him that I love him but he might hate me. He isn't a homophobe or anything just he's straight and doesn't want to date a guy let alone me. "So how should we spend our last day on earth? Shall we go skating?" Dan suggested eagerly. Oh no! I can't skate for shit! "But Dan! You know I can't skate I'll just fall! How about you go skating on the indoor rink at the shopping mall and I'll go finish up my Christmas shopping!" I suggested not wanting to make a fool out of myself in front of the guy I love. Even if he doesn't return my feelings, I thought a bi bitterly.

"Nope you have no choice in this! I'll teach you and make sure you don't fall alright?" He said laughing. I was about to tell him that I, in fact, was not going to be skating when he grabbed my coat and my hand and dragged me literally kicking and screaming to the car.

When we got I the mall I was so nervous Dan had to pretty much pry me off my seat. "No! I don't want to go Dan! I'm going to fall and make a fool out of myself in front of you!" I was kicking and screaming earning a few odd looks from people, and then realized what I had just said. "Why would you care about making a fool out of yourself in front of me? We act foolishly in front if each other all the time." Dan asked turning around and looking at me oddly but with a smirk I wanted to slap off his face. Oh I don't know maybe because I'm in love with you, I thought. Which apparently I thought out loud because Dan stopped abruptly and then continued as if nothing had happened.

We walked towards the ice skating rink. Somehow I trusted Dan so much more not to let me fall the closer we got to the skating rink, but I’m not entirely sure why. Either way I had a lot of fun learning from Dan. He went at a slow speed so I wouldn’t fall. Wow that sounded dirty but whatever. It was difficult at first but as time passed I started to get better.

~A Couple Hours Later~

After we finished ice skating Dan and I went our separate ways to go Christmas shopping without the other seeing what we were getting them. Yeah it may not have been the best idea to leave the shopping till last minute but whatever. While looking around for presents for my family I was keeping an eye out for the perfect present for Dan. It had to be as perfect as he was or else it wasn't any good.

When I was in a shop buying my mum's present I saw the perfect present ever for Dan. It was a llama onesie with little llama ears on the top and it was just perfect! I immediately bought it and had them wrap it up for me. What? I can't wrap a present to save my life.

 I looked at my watch. Whoa looks like I found Dan's present just in time because Dan and I were suppose to meet at shake away in five minutes! I headed over to the shop to find that Dan was there waiting for me with my favourite milkshake. Mmmmmm Oreo and Daim bar!

By the time we got home it was super dark and we had both long finished our milkshakes and were planning dinner. "What do you want Phil? We could have take away?" Dan asked looking through our kitchen for the non-existent food. "Yeah sounds good. Pizza sound okay?" I asked and he nodded. He phoned the place and said  it would be here in 15 minutes. We decided to watch a film and Dan picked out the film 2012 just for jokes.

While the film was starting I went to go make popcorn. When I got back I was about to sit down next to Dan when he pulled me onto his lap. I looked over at him and he was smiling at me in the cutest way possible so I just snuggled into him hesitantly but he didn’t seem to mind so I just enjoyed my time there while it lasted. When the movie ended he picked me up and put me back on the couch beside him to go and pick another film.

He chose Woman in Black. Does he want me to be scared and pee my pants?! He walked back to the couch and pulled me back onto his lap again. As the previews were playing Dan turned to me and said something that shocked me beyond compare. “Did you mean what you said earlier?” he asked looking me straight in the eyes. Well it’s now or never I guess I thought. “Yeah I really do. I’m sorry I know you’re straight which obviously means you don’t like me back but I don’t want to hide it from you anymore. It’s too difficult. I-”. I thought it was impossible for Dan to surprise me more but I was happily mistaken. He pulled me into a soft kiss. Before I knew what I was doing I started to kiss him back just as softly. “I love you too Phil. I guess both of us thought the other was straight so we didn’t say anything for fear of ruining our friendship right?” he asked. I simply nodded my head and kissed him again. This is the best last day in earth ever even though I know that people are too paranoid and the world isn’t actually going to end.

When it got to a scary part I snuggled into his further and just kissed the top of my head.  Ohhhhh I get it now! He chose a scary movie so I would snuggle into him every time it was scary! Sneaky boy! After much snuggling the film ended and we both went to go change into our pyjamas.

As I pulled my shirt over my head I noticed something in the sky. Thinking nothing of it I finished getting changed. I looked outside again and the think I had noticed earlier was getting bigger by the second and it was heading straight for London! I started to panic but then remembered that I had to be strong for Dan. He was terrified of the world actually ending. I always thought he was being irrational but maybe he wasn’t being so paranoid.

"Hey Dan? Want to play a game?" I yelled towards his room. I walked over and saw him fully changed. "Yeah sure I guess what kind of game?" "Hide and go seek! I'll be it first okay?" I asked trying not to burst out crying and freak Dan out. "Uh okay!" He said running off to find a hiding place. I counted to 15 and went searching for him. "Ready or not here I come!" I call out. I searched out tiny flat thinking of places that he could hide.

I heard some rustling coming from the closet and I tip toed my way towards it. I open the door and made Dan scream. "Jesus Phil you scared me!" He said clutching his heart. I walked in and sat beside him closing the door and shrouding us in complete darkness. "What are you doing Phil? Shouldn't you hide and I count and then find you?" He asked confused. "Nah let's just stay here" I said trying so hard not to cry. "Uh okay" he said.

We talked for a little bit and then he started getting sleepy. "Go to sleep, love I'll wake you up in the morning. I love you!" I said kissing his forehead as he dozed off. I began to feel a little warm and realized that that thing was a meteor and that we were probably going to die.

Oh well at least one of us won't have to live without the other! Oh screw being optimistic about this! I made myself fall asleep just as there was a large very loud BOOM!

                      ~The End~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2012 ⏰

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