The Queenz Graphic Contest

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Welcome to the Queenz Graphic contest!! 

This is going to be a weekly contest. There will be no eliminations and we will be accepting new participants for every contest. 

Every contest will have an individual set of winners too! 


1. Follow TheQueenzCommunity

2. Follow your hosts/Judges: iKnow_imAwesomequeenieexxx-EmsMustPotateSexiestAssOutThere

3. Give this book a shoutout on your message board.

4. When you fill your form, don't tag yourself. That is the password. If you tag yourself, meaning you haven't read the rules, you're out. If you don't know what "tag yourself means", it means to put an @ symbol next to your username when you fill the "username:" part of the form. Do not do that, and I've properly explained it to you. Later, don't tell me that you didn't understand the password.

5. Submit your entry before the deadline. You'll be given one week for each prompt and no more extensions. 

6. If you're signing up for a contest, PLEASE submit your entry. Don't sign up if you don't think you could do it.

7. Only one entry can be submitted for each contest. You can submit it by either tagging us in your graphic portfolio comment section or by sending the graphics to iKnow_imAwesome by discord. You could PM iKnow_imAwesome for the discord username. 

8. To ensure that you made the graphics yourself, you will need to show us the stock or resources that you used. These include all the images you've used in your graphic. This should be put up along with your entry. 

9. Plagiarism is not allowed. Do not copy other people's ideas.

10. Be nice to everyone.

The Queenz Graphic ContestWhere stories live. Discover now