Chapter 1

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hey guys just decided to start thi book hope you like it and promise its not cliche 

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Naomie x 


Tris's P.O.v

 i bit down on my lip as i tried to concertrate as i tightly sealed the wrench around the screw on the cars alternator and with as much strength that i could muster i tightened the screw until i was happy that it was screwed tightly. i jumped off the trunk of the car wiped tddhe sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand and shut the hood .

"alright tye turn her on " i said as i stood back and waited for tyler to place the key into the ignition and turn the car on.

"will do Tris" he said as he twisted the key 


the car roared into life 

tyler got out of the car with his brown eyes twinkling and a wide smile on his face  .

"i cant believe all it needed was  the screw to be oiled and tightened . ive been working on this car all week and still i couldnt figure out what was going on with the car . your an absolute genius. what would i do without  you " said tyler as he walked up and placed his arms around my shoulders.

i couldnt help but look at him and flash him a big toothy grin 

"ahh you would probably be dead in a ditch somewhere if it wasnt for me " i replied 

tylers grin turned into a pout 

" hey im not that bad im sure i can keep myself alive if you wernt here " he defensivley replied although he was still pouting 

" oh really in case you forgot let me refreash your memory " i said as i walked over to the sink in the garage to wash the grease from the car off my hands . 

"remember that time last year where you accidently set yourself on fire with the candle at your moms house or how about that time you nearly fell out the roof or that time when-

"ok ok i get it you saved me from all that and yeah yeah whatever" he said as he crossed his arms across his chest like a child sulking . 

i just looked over at him and laughed silently to myself as i washed my hands 

Tyler could be so imature sometimes but i loved him none the less. Tyler and me have known eachother since he moved down to California to come work at his uncle Nicks garage after he got his second class degree in mechanics. i met him on his first day here when i saved him from nearly being smacked in the face by the garage office door . yup thasts right hes always been a walking death trap . i remember his bright smile as he thanked me for warning him .ever since that day we just hit it off like a house on fire . He was at first shocked to know that i worked as a mechanic in Nicks garage not only because im a girl but also because i never went to university to get a degree or have any qualifications. 

yup you heard right . i dont have a degree to prove im a mechanic but i am .being a mechanic has been a passion of mine since i was 10. When i was little i remember i used to always go down to the garage where my dad worked and i would watch him and listen closely as he explained what he was doing. i remember just being so fascinated by it all. and telling my dad " i want to be a mechanic .just like you when i grow up daddy ". my dad would smile at me and say "you can be anything you want sweet pea" and now 13 years later im a mechanic. unfortunatly after dad lost his job and mom left i couldnt go to uni since dad couldnt afford it . But luckily dad taught me everything i now know and he says he thinks i was born to be  mechanic and to be honest i agree with him .i cant see my self doing anything else. give any sort of vehicle car,bus,motorcylce you name it i can fix it .

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