The Beginning (King's Pass/Dirtmouth)

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After braving the harsh winds and feral husks, with my scythe dulled from use, I just barely made it to the edge of a chasm. A wrap made of dead plants covered my right eye and rustled as the wind flew by. Just then, pure darkness pulsed from the wrapping. To stop it I covered that eye.

Vessel: No... Not now...

I saw dimmed but visable lights off in the distance and I knew the end of my search was near, but with no where to go but down, I jumped down the seemingly never-ending cliff before hitting th rock below.

Vessel: Damn, that was a long drop. Well, I guess it's time to go. I'm so close.

The pass was filled with docile but deadly crawling critters.

Vessel: Wow... Those things are creepy.. I- AHH!

A Vengefly scratched my shell deeply and The black substance seeped through slightly. I cut the furious fly in half.

Vessel: Shit, my shell!

I heard weird whispering from behind me. I turned around and saw a weird glowing stone tablet.

Vessel: How did I not see that?

I started reading the mysterious tablet.

Higher beings... These words are for you alone.

Your great strength marks you amongst us. Focus your soul and you can achieve feats others can only dream.

Vessel: My.. Soul? What is that?

I looked down at the cut down fly, I felt a hidden knowledge well up inside.

Vessel: Hmm.. Let me...

I tensed up, and mind raced, and my shell repaired itself somehow!

Vessel: I... My shell? It feels better somehow? Hmm.

I moved on and started back on my trek. I saw the door, knowing I would find the source of the light.

Vessel: I finally found the door! Let's go-WAH-AAAAAHH!!!

The ground, weak with years of age, gave out and broke beneath me. With a thud, I landed on my side.

Vessel: *Sharp inhale* Ahh... Ough... Shit, I think I heard a crack. I don't have bones though.. For.. some reason...

I stood, and stared in shock as the floor slowly faded to sharp and jagged rock. The only thing to land on were small platforms suspended on thin stalactites.

Vessel: Okay... Hup!

I landed on each platform carefully and made it to the end. I climbed and made it to the door.

Vessel: Another tablet?

Higher beings, these words are for you alone...

Beyond this point you enter a land of king and creator. Step across this threshold and obey our laws.

Bear witness to the last and only civilization. The Eternal Kingdom:

Vessel: Hallownest, eh? Seems grand. Hope they don't mind a visitor!

With a few slashes, the door was destroyed, and I dropped onto the ground below. I walked towards the town in front of me. There was a bug that seemed lonely, so I walked towards him.

Elderbug: Ho there, traveller. I'm afraid there's only me left to offer welcome. Our town's fallen quiet, you see.

Vessel: What happened to the others?

Elderbug: The other residents, they've all disappeared, headed down that well, one by one, into the cavern below. Used to be there was a great kingdom just beneath our town. It's long since fell to ruin, though it still draws folks into it's depths.

Vessel: So that was what the tablet spoke of.

Elderbug: Wealth, glory, enlightenment, that darkness seems to promise all things. I'm sure you too seek your dreams down there.

Vessel:I mean, I guess that could be it?

Elderbug: Well, watch out. It's a sickly air that fills the place. Creatures turn mad and travelers are robbed of their memories. Perhaps dreams aren't such a great thing after all...

Vessel: You make it sound like a nightmare scape. You're right, it calls me into the well too, but I'm sure I can handle those creatures.

Elderbug: Many used to come, hoping the kingdom could fulfill their desires. Hallownest, it was once called. Supposedly the greatest kingdom there ever was, full of treasures and secrets.

Vessel: Well now I want to go.

Elderbug: Hm, now it's only a poisonous tomb fill of monsters and madness. Everything fades away eventually, I suppose.

Vessel: You're giving me mixed signals.

Elderbug: *Sigh* Feeling tired? That bench may be iron, but I assure you it's quite comfortable. There's no better place to collect your thoughts before heading below. Plus I enjoy the company.

I turned around and noticed the bench there.

Vessel: Oh, finally! A place to rest!

I sat down. Letting my legs and arms relax, setting down my worn down scythe.

Vessel: Too long I've went without a place to relax... I'm.. so.. tired.

I slowly drifted to sleep.

So.... Tired..

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