18/ Hospital Craze

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A/N: I am so sorry for the long break you guys. My only excuse will be writers block and trouble accessing the account because honestly that's the truth. Also, I Have decided to end this baby soon... Just a few more chapters then maybe an epilogue and I'll be done.

I appreciate all your votes and views and everything in all but I think we could do better. This lil' writer needs the support it really does make me want to write when I see how you guys respond to it. Pleaseeee with ice-cream and ponies and puppies and all things cute let's boost the ranks of this baby. It will make me reallllyyy happy. 😊
This chapter is dedicated to @MiraculousG0ku thanks to my sister from another mother for all your support and encouragement.
Now to the story.... Enjoy!!!!

19/ hospital craze

Trent's mom was the one calling him. I picked the call and said "Hey Mrs. M what's up?"
"Eva! Is that you? Tell Trev- I mean Trent to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Something's gone wrong".
"Ok-" and she hang up
A million thoughts ran to my head as I rushed to the living room.
I stopped the music and said calmly, "Trent, there's been an emergency at the hospital"-Trent jumps to his feet and stares at me with his mouth agape- "I just got off the phone with your mom. She wants you to come right away."
I took a deep breath and continued "Before you go rushing into the streets and do something dangerous, we'll all come with you. Weston, Alicia, Pearl, Devin, Rose and Sam will go together in Weston's truck. The rest of us will go in Isa's Jeep and we'll meet there".
Everyone nodded as Isa and I pulled Trent along since he seemed to be in shock.
James took the wheel while I had the gate man open up the gate and he wasted no time as we rolled on to the roads.

The roads were all clear so we made it there in 30 minutes and by then Trent had snapped out of whatever trance he was in and then he rushed into the hospital.
We all sprinted in after him and as we all tried to catch our breaths, he was at the reception and was yelling "I'm here for Trent Michael, the Michaels!!!"
The receptionist looked so frightened as she directed him where to go. All the guys followed him and me and the girls walked up to the receptionist who was still staring at the halls which Trent ran through a moment ago.
I looked at her name tag and cleared my throat. "Em... Good evening Miss. Grace". I said to the woman, she had blonde hair and green eyes and her white uniform with the hospitals monogram on it.
"How may I help you?" she asked with a forced smile.
"We are with the boy that just ran in. Can you please direct us to the room he went too?"
She scowled and said "What's your relationship with him?"
"I'm his girlfriend". I replied with a fake smile.
"Of course". She said and looked down at her screen.
"The Michael's, right?" she asked
I nodded and gave her another fake smile.
This woman, I asked her for the room that Trent asked for and she's acting all dumb. I'd like to break her neck.
"Are you alright? She asks looking at me?"
I was getting impatient and I think Rose noticed it and she rubbed my back and said with a cool smile all though I could see gears turning in her brain "Miss I'm sure you wouldn't like to lose your job so please hurry up".
"Of course, ma'am, its room 205 on the 2nd floor just take the elevator". She said startled
With that I dashed towards the closing door not bothered that the lady was looking a me like a freak.
My friends and I hijack the elevator and click the 2nd floor.
The People inside just move to a side as I give them a weak smile as we all ride up on that awkward elevator ride with my heart thumping like I just ran a marathon...

When the doors open, I take a deep breath and step out
Here goes nothing ..

Song of the chapter - what do you guys think? 💋💋
What do you think will happen when Eva catches up with Trent? 😳😚😚
It may be awhile before the next update.. I'm going back to school 😐😐

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