Untrust Us

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Empty plastic and glass bottles litter the floor of my empty studio apartment. I casually kick through the bottles to clear a path to walk to my mattress where I sit, setting the cold cardboard box of longnecks next to me. Opening my fresh bag of goodies, I rip off the yellow precaution label, glancing over a few words that stood out before crumbling it in my palm and tossing it aside. The "WARNING!" in all capitals doesn't ever concern me anymore. I set the bag down for a moment, reaching for the cardboard box, ripping it open and retrieving my first bottle of the night. I twist the cap, take a swig and sigh in relief. I reached for the baggy and dug into it, grabbing the first pill bottle I felt touch my fingertips. I set the rest beside the cardboard box before cracking the pill bottle I chose open and pouring a handful into my palm. With another swig of beer I shove the pills in my mouth and swallow hard, gagging a little as they went down. I reached for my phone and played some random video on YouTube, watching it as I downed the rest of my first beer. My head started getting heavy as I started on the next one so I took a few more pills to make it better. The world began to get fuzzy and spin around as I swallowed each white coated oxy. I looked over and saw Mark with blood splattered across his face. I moved toward him, reaching to wipe his face off but tripping and falling instead, being sunken into a neon tunnel of lights and noise. Bright LED signs advertising the same product over and over flashed as I passed by them. I walked a little further and came across a dark where I passed a man looking like Mark. I followed him to a bathroom where he paced back and forth.

"Leave!" He yelled as I approached him, so I carried on. Outside of the bathroom, Chase peaked around the corner of the hallway with a flashlight. Anti came out of another room and smirked when he caught a glimpse of Chase. I made my way through the hallways to the outside where I found Nate walking down the sidewalk, fidgeting with his hands. I noticed him looking up so I looked where he was looking. There Mark, Ethan and Tyler were on a balcony having the time of their lives. I look down again to see a man beside me getting pummeled to death. I shrugged ist off and continued onto a little minimart where Richie was purchasing meals for the next couple of days and came across a bag of dog food. I left the minimart and went back through the sidewalk to end up in that same hallway again. I looked to my right and saw a door cracked open. I went inside to see Jonathan psychotically holding a box cutter. I quietly snuck back out of the room, bumping into Anti for a moment and made my way down the hall some more to a room with Guyon worshipping a shirt with a smiley-face ball taped to it. I watched him for a little while, turned around and went back into the hall. In a room with its door wide open, Nate laid on a couch and spoke to The Host as if he was a therapist while some other guy fought with computer monitors behind the two of them. The computer finally registered for the other guy and he clicked a few things to make a glass tube in the corner of the room light up. I glanced over at the computer again, and then at Nate who was no longer laying on the couch, and finally left the room moving down to a brighter part of the house. Mark and Ethan sat in front of a fireplace, Ethan rambling about something while Mark held a knife behind his back. Unus wandered over to the window and watched as Mark stabbed his friend, making a sad smile as he recalled that moment he's seen so many times. I looked away and saw Anti cut Sean's throat at the table. From there I turned around and witnessed Mark taking a hood off of Ethan with him tied to a chair. I looked around again and noticed Richie with his bag of dog food. He poured a little bit of it in a bowl and tossed the bowl into a small supply closet. I tried to open the closet but instead got yanked aside and looked up to see Anthony being bound tightly to a chair. I walk back into the hallway where Nate was being approached by a group of masked people that took him away, pinning him to a table as they put mask on him as well. I turned around and tripped again, getting up to a dimly lit room where Dark laid on an office desk.
"What are you doing here?" His voice echoed. "Don't you see what's happening?"

"Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?" I responded in a mocking tone, playing the uno reverse card on him. I walked away and found myself on the roof of a parking garage where I witnessed Chase get ready to jump off. I turned away and saw Anthony again, not bound to a chair anymore but rather sitting in front of a chess board.

"Care for a game?"

He aggressively moved the pieces, blood underneath them smearing all over the glass board. I got bored of his antics and left, wandering through a couple corridors and hallways before bumping into Joey and Misty. They frantically ran away from something and curiously, I followed them through the maze of hotel halls to an elevator that lead us straight to Jonathan. He tackled Misty, giving Joey time to run back upstairs and get back to his room. He banged on the door frantically and begged for Aki to let him in. He got to his knees and something drug me down to the ground. I layed there for a moment, reached for the pill bottle I just had opened and dumped the remains into my mouth. I grabbed the bag of other bottles and downed them in their entirety, chugging another beer and a half to get them all down in one.
I stare at the bottom of the bottle with a little grin as my eyes roll backwards and I go to see them again.

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