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The shop-owner of the bread shop was shifting the steamers back into the shop. When he saw Chen Nian, an unnatural expression flittered across his face.

Chen Nian showed him the counterfeit note, "The change you...... you gave, it's fa.......fake."

"You came to spread malicious rumours when you can't even straighten your tongue? Clearly you must be suffering from a lack of confidence! You must be telling lies!! In any event, how are you going to prove that this fifty dollar note was the one I handed to you?"

Chen Nian's face reddened, "It just......just is."

The shop-owner raised his voice instantly, "Hey, that's not how one conducts oneself! Come on – you're a student, and you look like a decent girl – do you take me for a fool?!"

Chen Nian stared into his eyes calmly, "Guilt......guilty conscience."

"You......" Having been exposed by Chen Nian, the shop-owner raised his voice even louder, and even mimicked her in an attempt to humiliate her, "Guilt......guilty conscience......You can't even speak properly, how dare you talk about guilt......guilty conscience."

A few customers laughed in response. Even though they bore no ill intent, Chen Nian felt that all of their laughter was full of malice.

The wife of the shop-owner came over to clarify the situation. On learning what happened, she shot a glare at the shop-owner before turning to Chen Nian, "Young lady, are you sure that we're the ones who gave you the counterfeit note? I've been running this shop for many, many years, and I've never ever given customers counterfeit notes. Perhaps you received this counterfeit note from other shops but mistakenly thought that we were the ones who gave it to you?"

Chen Nian was extremely sure, "I didn't mix it up." She continued, "Not......you." Chen Nian pointed at the shop-owner, "Him."

The shop-owner crumpled his facial features together in an exaggerated fashion, and protested, "Why do you continue to accuse me relentlessly? Do you think that I won't be able to deal with you just because you're a woman?!"

The wife of the shop-owner interrupted him midway. Turning to Chen Nian, she said gently, "There's a sign at the cashier which states that money is to be checked on the spot, and that we're disclaiming all responsibility the moment you leave. If everybody attempts to follow in your footsteps by claiming repayment for counterfeit money, my shop would definitely collapse – even banks would collapse if they gave in to requests like yours."

The shop-owner and his wife then proceeded to serve their customers and paid no heed to Chen Nian who remained standing by the sidelines. The customers purchasing bread would often cast curious glances at her; however, as Chen Nian's problem didn't concern them in the slightest, they simply minded their own business and left after having purchased their bread.

After some time, Chen Nian broke her silence, "Report to Police."

The wife of the shop-owner sighed in exasperation, "Why are you so obstinate? I've told you numerous times, we weren't the ones who gave you the counterfeit note. We're just a small business, and we don't want any trouble."

Chen Nian stared at the shop-owner's wife silently.

Angered, the shop-owner replied, "Do it then. Call the police."

Chen Nian called the Police.

Before long, two Police Officers arrived at the scene. They separated Chen Nian from the shop-owner and his wife, and questioned each group separately. The Police Officer who had questioned Chen Nian believed her version of the story, but there was nothing he could do as Chen Nan had no evidence.

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