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Tommy and Tubbo looked over at the enormous prison standing in front of them. It has been days since Dream has been locked up. Even if Dream did all those terrible things to them and to others. He wasn't all bad at the start. Dream was kind, funny, mischievous, and always knows how to turn a bad day into a good day. They didn't know what happened to the bright, emerald, green eyes turn into dull, stoic green eyes. They hoped that Dream would come back to his senses in prison with Sam and Punz guarding him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

Today Tommy and Tubbo decides to go visit their brother. See if they could still see the bright eyes that they craved to see one last time.

On the way there they ran into Punz who looked frantic and scared, "Punz? What's wrong?" Tubbo asked the older man before them. "Tommy! Tubbo! Get inside and meet with Sam!" Punz answered franticly while running off. Tubbo and Tommy exchanged worried looks before hurrying inside the prison to meet with Sam.

Sam looked terrified and worried as he stared at the cell where Dream was imprisoned. Dream's body was sprawled on the floor while a figure held a sword to his throat mocking Sam. "W-who are you!" Sam shouted at the figure, "And what do you want with Dream!?" he added. But the dark figure just answered, "Dreamon" before letting out an eerie smile, similar to the sadistic smile Dream makes that sent shivers to Sam's spine.

"BIG D!!!"

A new voice made Sam jump to his feet. He turned to see Tommy and Tubbo beside him, they looked angry and horrified at the scene. Tommy was about to open the iron door when the dreamon pressed the sword closer to Dream's neck drawing blood. "STOP, TOMMY!" Sam shouted blocking him from the iron door. Tommy reluctantly let go of the iron door which made the dreamon stop the sword piercing Dream's neck.

"W-what happened?! S-sam who is that man?!" Tubbo asked the guard and builder of the prison.

"I-I don't know Tubs?! One moment we were giving Dream his lunch the next he just collapsed and that THING appeared! Whenever we try to get close or open the prison door that thing would try to pierce his throat even more!" Sam answered.

"Where's Dream?" A familiar voice popped out.

Tommy, Tubbo and Sam turned to see, George, Sapnap, Bad, Skeppy, Punz, Niki, Puffy, Philza(Dadza), Technoblade, Fundy and almost the entire server. "Where is he? The rest are guarding the entrance for the so-called imposter" George, Sapnap and Bad asked at the same time.

When they saw the figure they immediately tried to enter the prison but the dreamon smiled before continuing to pierce Dream's neck. "Guys, guys, guys stop please!!!" Punz and Sam called out.

But George, Sapnap, Bad and Technoblade pretended not to notice and they busted in the cell and ran towards Dream and the opposing figure. The figure smiled eerily before getting into a fighting stance. While the 5 fought relentlessly, the rest who are waiting outside the cell came in and started to heal Dream.

"Dream!? Dream?! Please wake up! You need to get up now please! Duckling please don't do this to us!" Puffy begged as she tried to wake Dream up.

"Why isn't the potions working!?" Fundy cried as he also tried to wake Dream.

Tommy and Tubbo looked distraught as the dteam and Techno fought the imposter. While the rest of their friends try to wake their poor brother up.

"You..." Tommy whispered to the imposter loud enough to hear him.

"What did you do to him...."

The imposter smiled eerily before responding in a disoriented voice, "I just tried to put him out of his misery that's all!" the imposter answered in a sickly sweet voice.

The cell became deathly silent only the shallow and heavy breathing from Dream was heard.

"WHO THE @#&% ARE YOU TO DO THAT!!" Tubbo screamed in anger at the imposter.

The figure smiled sadistically, "C'mon Tubbo let's find you some bees! You are my friend Tommy, Oh Georgeeeeeee" He replied in a voice similar to Dream.

The room froze.

"Well my work here is done so see ya!" The figure smiled before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

For a moment time seem to stop before George screamed, "Don't just stand there guys let's get Dream out of here!!!"




























































(not the end yet)

Dream slowly opened his eyes, the pain in his head was gone. He feels hands wrapped around his waist, arms and his own hand. He could still tell it's dark out he feels bandages wrapped around his neck, shoulders and head. But he could see Sapnap, George and bad holding his arm and waist gently but protectively. Techno, Ghostbur, Fundy, Tommy, Tubbo and Philza cuddling not far from them. Niki and Puffy are sleeping on two beds in front of him. He can no longer see the rest but he could tell the entire server is in the same house. He could also tell that his friends got rid of the dreamon. He smiled softly before falling back asleep. Tomorrow will be a long day for them.

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