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"Alright Kaylan and Aria, we have to leave you here!" Mrs. Trina Wilson had tears in her eyes as she was finally seeing her two girls off to Hogwarts. Letting her two eleven-year-olds on a train by themselves was hard on her, but she knew that this was where they were going to hone their powers the best they could. "Think Ravenclaw, you two!" 

Aria giggles "Will do, mum!" The little girl had pigtails in her hair, shaking her head. "Mum is nuts if she thinks either of us is going Ravenclaw." 

The older girl, Kaylan shrugs "I think going Ravenclaw would be cool. Plus, we're bound to pass all our classes in that house." 

They both board the train and walk aimlessly looking for a compartment "Sure, but what's the fun in only caring about the school part? Kaylan, we're going to a magical school, surely that warrants some excitement." 

She smiles at her sister, though it falters a bit. The older they get, the more obvious it is that Kaylan sticks out of the Wilson family like a sore thumb. The Wilsons have a more dark complexion and Kaylan being white as snow made her parentage open for questioning. But the two girls didn't care, at least Aria didn't. 

Aria spots two flashes of ginger hair, with no one seated in the cart with them "I think this one's open!" She opens the door, smiling at a boy who turned out to be Fred Weasley "Hello! Could my sister and I sit in here with you?" 

Fred stares at Aria a minute and nods "Yeah, yeah of course, love. Sit right down," He grins, patting the spot next to him. 

Kaylan enters and sits by the other boy, George Weasley, giving him a polite smile. 

George smiles back "Nervous? About Hogwarts?" 

She shakes her head "No, should I be?" 

He shrugs "Depends if you think you're going to be in Slytherin, maybe." 

She snickers, frankly she wouldn't mind being in Slytherin. It wasn't the prejudiced house it was back when her parents were at Hogwarts, and she thought it might be nice to bring some good to a house that had seen so much evil. Decided to look around, Kaylan furrows her eyebrows, spotting something carved into the window trim. Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be initials, four sets in fact. They read R.L., S.B., J.P., and P.P. "Huh, that's odd." 

Aria looks at them too, tilting her head "Who do you suppose did this?" 

Everyone else in the cart murmurs different variations of 'I don't know.' However, soon enough they would know, and they'd be taking up the mantle of the marauders, one of them being more connected to the rowdy group of boys than anyone could ever know. 

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