Chapter One - Release the Beast

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Kaylan Wilson, now 17 years old and in her sixth year at Hogwarts, was studying in the library for upcoming exams. While sure, the NEWTs were still a year away, she wanted to get a head start. She was more studious than some of the other Slytherins. Some believed she truly did belong in Ravenclaw with her sister, Aria. However, those who knew her well knew exactly why she was sorted into the house of ambition.

Kaylan has always dreamed of becoming an Auror. Her resume at Hogwarts was certainly already impressive; prefect, Captain and Seeker of the Slytherin Quidditch team, and one of the top people in their class, she was essentially a shoe in. She's always wanted to make her parents proud. The Wilsons were kind enough to take Kaylan in when her first set of adoptive parents were killed by Lord Voldemort in the first wizarding war. So she felt to repay their kindness, she had to overachieve. For some reason nothing ever seemed to be enough for the Wilsons, who only seemed to treat Kaylan like an outsider even more as she got older. They were endlessly proud of Aria, who made Ravenclaw at their sorting ceremony. She was also Captain and Prefect for Ravenclaw, though she played beater. The two girls had very similar accomplishments, yet the Wilsons seemed to only praise Aria, which made Kaylan incredibly jealous.

Aria could get away with murder, and that proved even more true when she came bounding into the library after a date with none other than George Weasley. The two began dating in first year, and have been together ever since. At first, everyone thought George would end up with Kaylan, as they were both the more sensible siblings in their duos, but that seemed to be what made George and Aria work. They balanced each other out, and they clearly had a lot of fun together judging by the hickeys that littered Aria's neck.

Kaylan shakes her head, whether it was in disappointment or disbelief, no one would ever know. However, at the moment she was leaning toward the former, it was as if Aria was just showing them off for anyone to see. "Mum is going to kill you if she finds out, you know."

Aria just giggled in response, she was always the more adventurous of the two, and that included their romantic lives. "Oh hush, Kay. Just because you don't allow Freddie to go above the t-shirt line doesn't mean everyone is like that."

Kaylan's cheeks turn beet red at the mention of Fred Weasley. The two had begun dating in their third year, after Fred had been chasing her for their first and second. They'd fallen in love quickly, but took their relationship slow. They had only begun getting intimate a few months ago, and she still wasn't sure what she was doing. "Aria! We are in the library, have some class!"

"I do have class. However, I also have ass, something my boyfriend seems to love," She says, cackling like a mad woman.

"Goodness gracious. You do know there are charms to cover those right? It's a version of the morning-after charm."

"The morning after charm? Merlin, Kaylan. I didn't even think about that! We've just been winging it."

Kaylan raises an unamused eyebrow "Are you a witch or not?"

"I am indeed, but why would I want to cover them up? It's like a badge of honor! Plus, it's just Georgie having a bit of fun. He likes it when everyone knows who I belong to," She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

"Honestly, Aria! Do you want Professor McGonagall asking questions about those? You know she will. Or even worse, Professor Snape."

Aria shrugs "I don't mind. We're of age wizards anyway, it's not our fault that we have such early birthdays and they have to reign in the other sixth years a little more carefully."

"We still are sixth years though, of age or not. I just want you to be careful. Not to mention, you're a prefect. Is that setting a good example for the first years?"

"You sound like Percy right now."

Kaylan gasps "How dare you?!" She shakes her head "Fine. I'm sorry, perhaps I'm just a bit stressed and taking it out on you."

"S'alright. Just know that I know what I'm doing, and don't mind if professors see. Frankly, I doubt any of them would be surprised at this point."

Kaylan just smiles weakly at her, looking back to her textbook. Perhaps the reason she was getting so cross with Aria was because she knew she could never get away with something like this. Even if Minnie found out, and decided to warn the Wilsons that there was nefarious activity going on, they wouldn't care. Aria could do no wrong, and they'd probably commend her for being so proud of her sexuality and womanhood, or some bullshit like that. However, if Kaylan was in that position she'd be judged silently by Trina's hard gaze.

She wished she didn't care so much. She looked back up at her sister who just looked so happy. That's all Kaylan wanted, Aria happy; but she couldn't help but want some of that happiness and recklessness for herself. She had it in her, it was like a beast trying to get out, and she just wouldn't let her. Perhaps though, she thinks to herself, it's time to release the beast. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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