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And yeah, there will be other stuff too

Disappointments and heartache and regrets and mistakes. And yes, there’ll be moments of despair and painful seasons and dark nights of the soul you’ll need to endure. You’ll screw things up and be let down. You’ll hurt, and you’ll wonder how you’ll ever make it through.

But then you’ll remember the hell you walked through to get here, and you might remember this letter — and you’ll realize you’re gonna be okay. Because tomorrow is still waiting for you, to dance and rest and dream within.

So I guess this is just a reminder, from someone who sees what you may not see from here, the future, one that’ll be a lot better with you in it.

This is a plea and a promise, a dare and an invitation.


Hang on.

You are loved.

Things will get better.

Trust me.

Cry and get angry and ask for help and punch a wall and scream into your pillow and take a deep breath and call someone who loves you. When you let people in, the demons shrink back, so allow others to carry this sadness with you until you are stronger.

But for you, for those who will grieve you should you leave, and for the tomorrow that you deserve to see…

Please, stick around.

If you’re experiencing Depression, a desire to self-harm, or suicide thoughts, talk to someone.

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