
6.3K 108 252

Tags: Smut! Namjoon x Jimin, alcohol use, past relationship trauma, anxiety attacks, crushes, first dates, falling in love, misunderstandings, happy ending

Inspired by a prompt I spit balled based on the moodboard created by twt user @/allways_always:

Call it quirky, call it twisted.

For every man Jimin lures between his sheets, he gifts himself a manga from the used bookstore down the road.

Bookshelf. Trophy display.  Same thing.

The bookstore's owner has no idea a spot on Jimin's shelf is reserved just for him.

Word Count: 15,443

This morning, waking up to cold sheets on the other side of the bed is bliss

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This morning, waking up to cold sheets on the other side of the bed is bliss.

Jimin rolls over and stretches, groaning at the ache in his limbs and in his head. But when he cracks open his eyes and squints against late morning sunlight, he smiles.

He is alone.

Jimin loves hookup culture. He loves how easy it is to go to the club, to dance with a stranger, to take them home. He loves the unspoken agreements. He loves the simplicity of avoiding uncomfortable conversations. He loves the saying there's plenty of fish in the sea, because hell yeah there are. And Jimin would rather throw out a net and pull in an entire school of fish than reel in a winning catch hook, line, and sinker.

This way, Jimin can hold men at a distance. He can have a taste without ruining his appetite. He can guard his heart without overthinking it.

A buzzing at his side has Jimin rolling over again, a hand fumbling over the mess on his bedside table. His eyes are back closed, the brightness of the room fueling the dull ache in his head. Blindly he searches for his phone, and when he finally grabs it, he unplugs it, swipes at it until the buzzing stops, and brings it to his ear.


"Good morning, sunshine!" Taehyung's deep voice croons on the other end. "How did you sleep?"

"Ngh," Jimin grumbles.

Taehyung laughs.

"How did last night go? Was he fun? He looked fun."

"Mnh," Jimin grunts.

"That good, huh?" Taehyung teases. Jimin smacks his tongue on the roof of his mouth. It tastes disgusting, and he grimaces. "I hope you used protection. Want me to bring you some coffee? Have you been drinking water? Did you take some aspirin?"

Jimin sighs, rubbing a palm across his dry, itchy eyes.

"Yes, mother. I'm fine, mother," he rasps. Jesus, he sounds terrible. "Don't come over. If I saw you right now, I'd probably kick your ass. Why'd you let me drink so much?"

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