Thorne x Cress

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A week had passed since they had kidnapped Emperor Kaito and they were no closer to getting onto Luna. And it was driving Thorne crazy! Mostly cause his precious Rampion was growing smaller and smaller, what with 6 bodies now inhabiting it. However, if he was truly honest with himself, he had grown rather fond to one body in particular.

"There! That's the last of it," Cress' soft voice cheers to his right.

She had just finished dropping the last bit of the stem cell solution into his eyes. A few days ago he had started seeing light and blurry objects but still couldn't make out details. Just another reason why he was being driven crazy. Thorne missed being able to see more then bright lights or complete darkness.

The Captain blinked a couple times, working the solution into his eyes. "Thanks Cress. Hopefully this means I'll have my sight back. I kinda miss seeing my own charming face looking back at me in the mirror," he jokes, slowly pushing himself into the sitting position.

A heart beat of silence falls between them. Thorne turns his head, his eyes locking into the blurry figure he knew right away was Cress. She was standing on the other side of the medical bay.

Thorne grabs his cane and slowly slides off the exam table. "Okay not one of my better jokes but it had to be at least a little funny."

"Huh?" She asks her back still turned to him.

Cress kept her back turned to him until his hand landed on her shoulder. She jumps slightly at the contact before her blurry silhouette turns.

"Is something wrong?" he asks sliding his hand up till it was cupping her face.

He feels her lean into his touch before quickly moving away. "No," she whispers so quietly that he wouldn't have heard her if his ears hadn't grown stronger since losing his sight.

"Cress?" he asked, hurt mixing in his voice from her pulling away.

She shakes her head and Thorne was pretty sure she had put on a fake smile. "Honest, I'm fine. Just a little tired I guess. I-I think I'm going to go see if Cinder has decided how I can help with her plans to get into Luna," she explains.

Before he could object she rushes out of the Medical Bay. Thorne watched till the small blurry silhouette was no longer visible.

"Did I say something wrong?" he asked himself as he followed after her.


Cress walked down the hallways of the Rampion, her imagination once again running away on her. Unfortunately it wasn't like her usual ones where she was a famous opera singer or an explorer out looking for lost treasure. This time she was the star of a net drama but her love interest was laying eyes on her for the first time and he doesn't like what he sees.

"How could I have been so stupid," she sighs tears pooling in her eyes.

The young hacker was so caught up in her own personal net drama that she didn't notice Iko rounding the corner till she had run right into the Android.

"Ah. . ." Iko cries falling on her metal butt.

Cress stumbles back but keeps her balance. "Oh I'm so sorry Iko, I wasn't watching where I was going," she apologized reaching her hand out to help her newest friend up.

Iko grabbed her hand allowing Cress to help her to her feet. "It's okay Cress," she smiles brushing herself off. Once she made sure that her outfit, which was one of the military informs she had found and tweaked a little, Iko looked up and noticed the tears in the young girls eyes. "Hey what's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm fine," Cress lied wiping away her tears. Unfortunately after one wipe the tears started to stream down her face.

Iko pulls her into her metal embrace. "Hey hey shhh it's okay."

"No it's not! I can't believe I was so stupid," Cress sobbed.

Iko ran her hand over the young girls hair trying to sooth her. Over the past few days Iko had grown very attached to Cress. She had even fixed her hair so that it was even at the bottom and framed her petite face just right. Plus unlike Cinder, Cress liked being dressed up and she won't end up with grease stains on her dresses like Cinder had a tendency too.

"Consider you can hack into about anything I wouldn't say you were stupid. Now why don't you tell me what happened," she says softly.

Cress wiped the new batch of tears away. "It's the Captain. I just finished putting the last bit of my father's eye drops into his eyes," she starts to explain.

"This doesn't compute? Isn't that a good thing?" She inquired, titling her head to the side.

Cress sighed, wishing her hair was long enough to play with. "Of course not! Cause now he'll get his sight back!"

Now Iko was truly confused. Her internal hard drive was working over time to try and figure out why Captain Carswell Thorne getting eye sight back was a good thing. Especially since Iko knew how much Cress had fallen in love with the so called Captain. She thought Cress would be happy for him. "Please explain."

The young blonde glanced at the android before sliding down the wall till she was sitting on the floor. "What if he see's me and doesn't like what he see's?"

"Hasn't he already seen you?" Iko asked taking a seat next to her.

"Yes but I had longer hair back then. Plus the last time he saw me we were falling out of space. What if he takes one look at me and sees the girl that caused all this?" Cress sniffed, bringing her knees up to her chest. She wanted nothing more then to curl in on herself.

She knew that Thorne didn't feel the same way about her but after he kissed her the way he did, she really thought he would change his mind. But that was over a week ago and he showed no sign of changing his mind.

Cress felt Iko wrap a arm around her shoulder. She shifted so she could lay her head on the android's shoulder. "Come now of course he won't do that. The Captain would be crazy not to take one look at you and think 'Wow!' And how could he not?" She tells her, squeezing her shoulder.

"Thanks Iko but I don't think Thorne will ever think of me as anything other then the crazy girl who confessed her love for him in the middle of the dessert."


He kept his cane out in front of him as he made his way to the cargo hold. Or at least he hoped that was where he was heading. Thorne hated to admit it but it was taking longer then he wanted to memorize how to get around his own ship. He never truly realized how big his ship was till he went blind. Thankfully he won't have deal with it much sooner cause his site was already starting to fully come back. Things were still blurry but at least he could make out doors and the odd window. In a few hours he was sure to get his sight back completely.

"Come on Cress. I bet the second he lays those dreamy eyes of his on you he'll be head over heals in love!" Iko's silky but mechanical voice reaches him from around the next corner.

Thorne stops dead in his tracks. He moves till his back was flush against the wall.

"That's what I thought would happen the first time he saw me but all he said then was 'Aces, is all that hair?'" He hears Cress inform the android, sadness clearly in her voice.

Iko's laughter filled his ears. "I remember. But you guys have been through a lot together since then. You survived almost a week in the desert! And did or did I not hear that he rushed after you when you were kidnapped?"

He hears Cress sigh before answering, "Ya he did. Stars, he even kissed me during the battle on the palace roof but still . . . nothing."

Thorne starts to back away, suddenly feeling guilty for eavesdropping. Or maybe it was cause he felt bad for hiding his feelings from her. Since kissing her, Thorne hadn't been able to stop thinking about her. How her lips seemed to fit perfectly with him. At first it was so he could keep the promise he made to her while they were in the dessert but now it took all his strength now to do it every time she was near.

Iko had gotten it wrong though, cause he didn't need his sight back to know he had fallen in love with Cress.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2015 ⏰

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