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"Hey Hey Hey! Kuroo! Boss wants to see you!" a guy with black and gray hair said. (You know who). Bokuto Kotaro, the best person to handle knives.

"Huh? Yeah be there in a minute!" a black-haired guy said who is named Kuroo Tetsurou. Kuroo then put down his cards and stood up. "Seems like I won again! Haha!" he said.

The men who were playing with him groaned. "Well, we can't defeat Kuroo, no matter what." Iwaizumi said. Iwaizumi Hajime, the best hand-to-hand combat fighter in the household. He is also the one who handles the business.

Yaku chuckled before saying, "Can't agree more." Yaku Morisuke, the best information seeker in the household.

"Well, nice game to you guys! Gotta go!" Kuroo said before leaving the room.

As he was walking down the hallways, he spotted the newbie. He looked like he just came from a killing. "Ah Kageyama! How are you?" Kuroo said as he approached the kid.

"Ah Kuroo-san, I'm doing good. What about you?" Kageyama said as he bowed down. Kageyama Tobio, the best person with katanas. He was found in the streets when he was stealing. (You'll know more of it later)

Kuroo went straight to his Boss's office. He knocked before going in. "Come in." he heard in a faint noise. He went inside the room. As a sign of respect, he bowed fully before sitting down in front of the man.

A lady then appeared in the room and put two cups of tea on the small table that separate Kuroo and his boss.

"Thank you so much." the man said while the lady bowed before leaving.

"So, why did you want to see me?" Kuroo said.

"A problem has been going around in the empire and our spy who is one of the nobles, keep reporting this certain Duke. He also mentioned that he is the reason why our attacks are becoming a huge fail." the man said while sipping tea.

"This Duke, I'm guessing you want me to kill him Ukai-sama." Kuroo asked raising an eyebrow.

Ukai Keishin, the boss of the household Devil Association. This Household is known for many killings but none of the members have been found or catched. This makes them unbeatable. They also own the business D.A Business. They sell exquisite vases that inside are illegal powders (Drugs). Other Mafia Associations buy from them.

The Boss: Ukai Keishin
Kuroo Tetsurou - Assassin or Hitman (Literally good at everything)
Bokuto Kotaro - Knives Holder
Iwaizumi Hajime - Combat Fighter
Kageyama Tobio - Katana Holder
Yaku Morisuke - Information Seeker


"Duke Tsukishima, the fellow nobles have arrived. Duchess Miyako is also there." Suga said. The advisor of Tsukishima said. "Okay, let's go." Tsukishima said as he stood up. With Suga, he left the room and went to the Throne Hall.

All of the dukes coming from different empires have gathered.

Tsukishima sat down beside his lovely wife who he hates (Vice Versa). "You're late." Duchess Miyako said.

"I had to do some matters and you could have handled this matter on your own." Tsukishima replied. Miyak glared at him.

Duchess Tsukishima (Fujihara) Miyako, the duchess of Karasuno Empire and the wife of Tsukishima. She and Tsukishima was arranged in a force marriage 5 years ago. It is known that she is a sweet and caring to others but not to Tsukishima.

"Ahem, now everyone is gathered here, we will start the meeting." Advisor Takeda said.

"Let's start with Inarizaki Empire." he continued and looked at the Duke of the empire.

The man signal the advisor behind him. "For Inarizaki Empire, many reports have been sent to us regarding about Karasuno guards lurking in the gates of the empire. That is all." Hitoshi said as he stepped back.

Duke Suna Rintaro, the duke of Inarizaki Empire. He and Tsukishima are rivals since kids, ever since they became Duke, this rivalry grew.

Silence took over the room.

'So this is how you do it? Using this empire to cover your faults, Hah, baka!' Tsukishima thought though he kept a straight face.

'Damn foxes, just because you guys have the biggest empire doesn't mean you have to blame on the smallest one, BAKA!' Miyako thought as she gritted her teeth.

"Ahem, how about Seijoh Empire?" Advisor Takeda said cutting the silence.

Seijoh's advisor cleared his throat before starting to speak. "For Seijoh Empire, we have been receiving reports of Karasuno civilians stealing inside our empire." Matsu said and stepped back.

Duke Oikawa Tooru, the duke of Aoba Johsai (Seijoh) Empire. He doesn't have a grudge on Tsukishima but he just wants to expand his territory and Karasuno Empire was the weakest among the four.

"Shiratorizawa Empire?" Takeda said quickly as he didn't want to experience the same thing again.

"Ah, how should I say this. It's the same as Inarizaki and Seijoh. Karasuno~ What are you guys planning?~" the red-haired said in a sing song voice.

Duke Tendou Satori the duke of Shiratorizawa. He has always hated Tsukishima after destroying half of the Empire 4 years ago.

Tsukishima kept a straight face. He then felt a familiar angry aura. He glanced at Miyako, she looked like she was about to blow.

"Muri da! (Impossible) We never sent our guards in your empires and our civilians never left our Empire! Where are your proofs?!" Miyako shouted once she stood up slamming her hand on the table. The other dukes were startled but not Tsukishima.

"Duchess Miyako, please calm down." Hayashi, the head of the maids and Miyako's advisor said as she put a hand on Miyako's shoulder. But Miyako didn't budge. Tsukishima sighed before standing up.

"Now, my wife is right. How can you blame us when there is no proof? Show us proof before blaming any one." Tsukishima said.

"As for my complaints, it will be against all three of you. Blaming us for something we didn't do." he continued before leaving the room. Miyako glared at the people in the room before leaving.

Hayashi and Suga quickly followed them along with the guards.


Karasuno Empire - Duke Tsukishima Kei and Duchess Tsukishima (Fujihara) Miyako Inarizaki Empire - Duke Suna Rintaro and Duchess Suna (Nakano) Midori Seijoh Empire - Duke Oikawa Tooru and Duchess Oikawa (Shiraishi) Homura Shiratorizawa Empire - Duke Tendou Satori and Duchess Tendou (Kataoka) Amami (Deceased)


I will explain everything to make it clear. 

Duke is the position of a male who handles an empire (On what I read) and not every duke needs a wife. But I decided to add one because, I feel like adding one.

 As for the members I picked for the bad side, it's weird right? Well, I only wrote whoever pops in my mind and what I think suits best.

The Empire side, I picked Suna as the duke for Inarizaki because I liked their rivalry on Season 4. As for Oikawa, well he is the captain of Seijoh and I don's see any member of Seijoh that holds a grudge against him. I picked Tendou becuase both of them are middle blockers. 

The era is 1800 and where this happened. Let's just say the rankings are from the British but the country is Japan. There will be no guns, only combat and katanas. 

All characters are from Haikyuu except the following:

Fujihara Miyako
Hayashi Kaori 
Nakano Midori
Shiraishi Homura
Kataoka Amami

This story is a requested one. Hope you like it. If you guys have any questions just comments down.


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