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Listen to the song while reading... Even you 'Fae'.


*Lillia's pov*

'Lil, I-' is all I heard as I walked away. I sat outside on the stone-cold steps, trying not to cry.

Did he follow me? No.

Did he cheat? No, we weren't together at the time.

But has he continued to lie about what happened that night? Yes, and it's really pissing me off. I was getting sick and tired of the same thing happening over and over again and I really didn't want to argue again tonight. I don't know how many times I can tell him, that regardless of what happened that night, I'd still forgive him. I've been trying extremely hard with Harry even when he's being difficult. He just still doesn't understand that he doesn't need to keep things from me and that if he came to me before or even immediately after, I would have been fine.

It always seems that when it's going good, something gets brought to light.

When I heard the door open behind me, I secretly hoped it was Harry...

'Oh Jide, hi,' I sniffled.

'Hey Lil,' Jj sat down next to me on the steps and handed me my bag.

'You're a life savour, I really needed this,' I giggled, opening my bag and getting a cigarette.

'I'd tell you off any other day, but, I'll let you off given the circumstances,' he laughed as I lit the cigarette. 'How're you feeling?'

'Uh, I don't know, I've tried to explain to him so many times that I just want him to be honest and apparently that's really hard for him,' I shrugged.

'Mate, I don't know what Katie did to him, he never used to be like this,' Jide huffed. It felt nice to have a friend like Jide who actually tried to comfort me. Cal and I are still really close, however, he isn't necessarily the type of person to sit there and give me advice, he'd just try and make a joke to try and cheer me up and that's not what I needed right now.

'He's never really gone into detail, but regardless, I've tried so hard to understand him. It's just not working out how I thought it would,' I bit the inside of my cheek.

'He's fucked up man. He's so indecisive but also so impulsive. I don't understand why he does half of the shit he does,' Jj ranted.

'Yeah...' I took another drag of my cigarette, 'he said he went to see Katie because he needed closure and I understood that. I told him I'd never stop him from doing what he needs to do to finally get over her.'

'Do you think he is?' Jide said cocking an eyebrow.

'I don't know... I'm sure he does like me, but then again, I'll never fill her place. I think he's expecting me to or something, but that's not how it works, I fill a me size space, I can't compete with somebody else,' I could feel water begin to swell up behind my eyes.

'He's not good with this shit and I know that isn't an excuse... He, I don't know,' Jide stopped.

'Nah I know. I'm just getting tired of him not being able to communicate properly. Like what are we supposed to do at this point?' I interjected.

'I don't know Lil... It's shit, I'm sorry,' Jj wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest. A few tears began to fall; I didn't want to cry, but I knew Jide wouldn't care. 

As the door abruptly swung open, Jide let go. We turn around to see Katie shouting back at Harry.

'Oh and there she is, go get your fucking girlfriend then Harry,' I heard her say.

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