Valda woke to sunlight filtering over her bed and a gentle breeze drifting through the room.
Din was asleep beside her, one arm draped across her still naked body. The light caught in the brown tones of his hair, turning a few strands gold. The shadow of stubble across his face was slightly darker, matching the deep, rich tone of his eyes.
Valda closed her eyes. He'd been so careful, so gentle- and not just because of her wound but because of her past. Because he knew what she'd been made to do before. He had let everything be her choice and that simple act meant the galaxy to her.
She hadn't told him that according to all the research she'd been able to dig up, the bond between the two of them should have faded by now or at least lessened a bit. But instead it was still as strong as the day she had healed him. Valda wasn't sure what that meant but until it became ... she kept the information to herself. She didn't like to think about a time when she wouldn't be able to feel Din in that sense.
She gently removed Din's arm from her body and eased from the bed. Pulling a robe around her, she padded into the bathing chamber. In the mirror she inspected the sealed wound and slight bruising. It was healing well. She took a deep breath, dressing in her Sith robes and mentally readying herself for what the day would hold. How Darth Krayt would expect her to be. If he found out about Din... about this- whatever it was- between them, he would kill him.
A knock at the door, jolted Valda from her thoughts. She stepped back through the bedroom, where Din had sat up, his hand reaching for a weapon that wasn't there. She shook her head at him, motioning to be quiet and answered the door.
A King's Guard stood on the other side. He dipped his head, speaking in a monotone voice. "The Sith King summons the Chaosbringer and the Mandalorian."
Valda murmured her thanks and closed the door. In the bedroom, Din had tugged on his pants but was still standing shirtless in the morning light. "Who was it?"
She lifted her chin. "My master summons us. Best not to keep him waiting."
Din gave a barely perceptible eye roll and the action brought a small smile to Valda's face. She wasn't used to seeing his facial reactions and it made her wonder how he really reacted to things beneath the cover of that helmet.
"Will there be breakfast included?" He asked, pulling his shirt over his head.
"You can't eat it anyways." She jerked her head to the couches. "There's food in the sitting room."
Din gathered his shoes in one hand and descended the stairs into the main room, swiping a piece of food from the tray as he walked past. He disappeared into his own quarters. Valda returned to her bathing chambers, draping her outer robes over her tunic. She gripped the silver band she always wore across her brow and traced the ancient Sith symbols engraved across it with a finger. A single splotch of blood was dried across the shiny surface.
She shoved it under the water, watching as the stain flaked away. Then she set it across her head and stared at her reflection in the mirror. The amber toned eyes that would forever mark her as Sith.
The Chaosbringer.
Valda pulled her hood up and lifted her chin. Din was waiting in the sitting room, Beskar armor once again covering his body. His weapons were strapped to his sides and his rifle across his back. Valda didn't comment, just opening the door and stalking into the hallway.
Darth Krayt was waiting for them in the throne room, reviewing reports on the New Order no doubt. He set down the data pad as he saw them enter the room. "Leave us," he waved a hand to the advisors.
They bowed and back out of the room. Valda came to a stop a few feet in front of the throne and knelt down on one knee. "Master." She sensed the faint disgust from Din behind her through the bond.
"Apprentice. Mandalorian."
Din dipped his head to the King but that was all. Valda rose to her feet and the Sith King steepled his fingers. "I heard you did well yesterday. The message was received loud and clear. I doubt any others will challenge the Chaosbringer now."
She clamped down on every feeling that rose in her and focused only on the anger that she allowed to simmer in her stomach. "Yes, Master."
He leaned back in his throne. "It is good to see the Sith line cleansed of weak beings. We must be an absolutely indestructible front." His gaze burned through her. "We must be able to trust one another completely and also know when the time is right, to cut bonds." Chills slithered down Valda's spine as she nodded her head in agreement.
Darth Krayt's focus moved from her to Din. "Mandalorian. I have spent much time in deliberation with my Dark Council and advisors." He rose from his throne and descended from the dais. "It has been decided in the best interest for both our people to extend an official invitation of an alliance between Moraband and Mandalore."
Valda held her breath and she felt Din's hesitation behind her. Take it, she begged him silently. It will save your life for now.
Din folded his arms. "Any hidden meanings I should be aware of?"
The Sith King let out a chuckle. "I assure you, Sith are rather upfront when dealing with things." He withdrew a holocron and a document appeared. "The details are listed. You need only agree and sign."
Din was silent for a few moments, no doubt skimming through the document. "This," he said, finally, pointing to a line. "I can't agree to this. I cannot speak for those who come after me."
Valda followed his finger to line he pointed at, stating that all rulers who came after him would be bound to honor the alliance with Moraband.
Darth Krayt leveled his gaze at Din. "You are the first true ruler of Mandalore in decades. This will ensure that after your rule, Mandalore will continue to have an ally. It ensures your future."
Valda sensed Din debating this. It made sense but it would also tie Mandalore to Moraband forever. No escape from that alliance. Finally, he let out a sigh. "For the future of Mandalore," he repeated.
"Always," Darth Krayt responded with a smile that made Valda's blood freeze in her veins.
Din shook his head but leaned forward and signed the document. His signature glowed and the imprinted on the holocron. Permanently.
Darth Kraty closed the holocron. "Thank you." He turned his back as he retreated to his throne. "Arrest the Mandalorian."
"What?" Valda took a step forward as the King's Guard materialized from the shadows. Din backed away, drawing his blaster. His shots passed harmlessly through the King's Guard and they reached him, pinning his arms behind his back.
Valda spun to Darth Krayt. "What the hell are you doing?"
Her master settled back in his throne. "This one is too inexperienced, too doubting of us. We will kill him and replace him with another that fully trusts and is willing to obey us. The documents he just signed ensures all his successors will honor the alliance."
The world threatened to slide out from beneath Valda's feet. Her heart pounded in her ears.
"No other Mandalorian will ever do that," Din growled though his helmet, yanking against the King's Guard.
Darth Krayt chuckled. "How simple minded you are. All we must do is take your Beskar, replace you with one of our own and place the Dark Saber in his hand." He waved his hand. "The rest will sort itself out. But our power will grow with an army of Mandalorians and Sith- the New Order will fall."
Valda took another step forward. "You can't-"
"I can't what, apprentice?" His voice cracked through the room and she swallowed. Even the King's Guard had gone still.
Valda bowed her head. "Nothing, Master. Forgive me."
"That's what I thought." He leaned back again and waved a hand. "Take him away. His execution will be tomorrow."
"I will kill you," Din snarled. The doors slammed shut behind him.
Darth Krayt turned his gaze on Valda. "And you." His orange eye glowed. "You will execute him."

The Art of Chaos and Darkness
FanfictionHe's the best bounty hunter in the parsec and she's his most valuable mission yet... After returning Grogu to the Jedi, Din is alone once again. He takes one last job with the promise of enough credits for him to never have to accept another bounty...