School: Wellston~Part One

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He really didn't mean to.

It was a mistake. A mistake caused by the trauma he had been exposed to while spending those months in his own personal hell, trying to fix him

And really, that was only way to explain why the School Cripple just slapped the Queen's hand, while she was offering help.

Lets just say it more than likely isn't going to end well for John

Seconds after this bold move, a beam was fired, nearly hitting his head, burning straight the cold metal of the locker right behind him

"That could of killed me...!" John thought, something he didn't get to dwell on as The Jack was slowly approaching him, with a fire in his eyes and his red aura surrounding him.

John knew what was about to happen

How could he not when he had experienced a situation like this countless times before.

So really, when it happen, it shocked the raven haired boy with just how unexpected it was.

The Queen spoke one word...


"What....?" Blyke stopped dead in his tracks, clearly confused by his Queen's command

This only served to anger her

"You heard me Blyke, cut it out" Remi spoke, clearly annoyed with her friend

This really surprised John. The Queen of Wellston is telling her Jack to stand down because of cripple?!In front of a crowd of students!?

This was unlike anything he'd ever experienced

Remi noticed the crowd around and quickly turned to them. The moment she sets her sights on them, they all flinch in unison.

"Don't you have a class to go to?" Remi asked, irritated by their mere presence.

As soon as she said that, they all scurried off. Cowards. Always acting so high and mighty but immediately sucking up to anyone above them. It makes John sick.

But the surprises don't end there.

Oh, its far from over

John was getting ready to get up, it'd be better to leave now as to not make The Queen change her decision, but  decided not to when he the pink haired girl speak again.

"Where do you think you're going, Blyke?" Once again, Blyke was stopped dead in his tracks by his Queen's words.

"Remi....." Blyke replied, seemingly to get out of this situation

"You need to apologize!"The Jack at first looked annoyed, but soon enough, his expression would change into .... shame? This was very much surprising to John

Blyke slowly walked up to John, and, extending his arm out, asked,"I'm sorry about earlier, you okay?"

John just simply said he was fine and seeing that the redhead had realized he wanted no help, he simply turned and walked away.

This was just all confusing to John.... Their behavior

He then realized Remi ad crouched down, helping him in picking up his papers.

"T-Thanks" John quietly muttered, but it seems that Remi heard him

" No problem!" She quickly replies with a cheerful tone

As they finished up, Remi got and extended an arm out to John

"I apologize for not introducing myself earlier, but I'm Remi."

John didn't know why, but something compelled John to trust her.

And as such, he take her hand

"I'm John. Its nice to meet you Remi."

Notes :

612 words... Not too shabby

In all seriousness, I do apologize for long wait, I promise stories won't take THIS long in the future

I'm sorry if it's short, but I intend for later chapters of the Welston Backstory in comparison to others, so most parts relating to them will be short.

The Next chapter will be the fights, along with character introductions.

And expect some romance as well

In any case, this is Ash signing out...


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