Human X C,A,M

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Requested by: BayBay08

I don't know their names and I don't know their faces, all I know is that I have to keep going, moving, running. Faster, faster, faster!
I can't let them catch me, I can't let them catch me, I can't! They can't catch me!

I'm slowing down, everything looks the same. The cobblestone paved streets are melting, morphing, moving. The cobblestone paved streets are stretching, growing! Longer, longer, longer...
The cobblestone paved streets are- "HELP!", a ghostly pale hand wraps it's long boney fingers around my throat, crushing. Like smooth vines clinging to a stone cold pillar for dear life, crushing.

It burns!
The hand grips only harder as a mud stained, rotten teethed face comes into view from behind me.

I try to scream but, only pathetic, spitting, gargled noise's leave from my plump, blood stained, chapped, red lips. The face smiles maliciously, jarringly, as their face inches slowly forward.
Closer, closer, clos- "Darling?".

My eyes snap open, I take deep, heaving, noisey, breaths. One after the other in quick concession. As if I've just finished the marathon of my life, and couldn't breathe untill I crossed the finishing line.

Strong hands on my shoulders steady me, ground me, as my head is rested firmly against a muscled torso, I can faintly hear someone speaking slowly in my ear. Telling me to, "Follow my breathing, Darling. That's it, Tesoro.".

"You're doing so well, Piccolo.", someone else breaths huskily into my other ear.

I can hear somebody shifting restlessly infront of me as I slowly but surely blink through the dizzy haze my nightmare left me with.

"Aro?", slips from my moist, petal pink, lips like a prayer.

"Darling, what happened?" he says sweetly while shying away from my touch. 'Hm, considerate teddy bear.', I think shyly as a soft pink blush slowly paints its way across my slightly chubby cheeks.

I hold my baby hands out slowly and nod reassuringly as he sheepishly touches my smooth tan fingertips.

"Oh, Darling", he coos before hugging me to his chest tightly. Lips twitching, probably letting Caius and Marcus know what happened.

Caius pulls me out of Aro's embrace. Laying me gently across his bare chest. Aro and Marcus pepper little loving wet kisses across my face, neck and exposed shoulders, tickling me with their lips untill I begin to giggle, whispering sweat nothings in my ears before Caius pushes them out of the way to firmly kiss my forehead.

"Goodnight, Darling."
"Sleep well, Tesoro."
"We love you so much, Piccolo. Sweet dreams."

"Hmmm...Love.. you.. too.." is all I manage to mumble out before falling deep into their love and comfort as they purr for me.

I yawn. "Night my Kings.", I whisper incoherently before sleeps clutches finally pull me under and take me smoothly to happier dreams.

Unedited 💛❤️💚

Goodnight everyone,
it's 10:45pm here. 💋

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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