Soft Boyfriend Helps You Sleep[1]

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You stare at the ceiling, feeling tired, but unable to sleep. Your mind filled with more negative thoughts each second as you remember every mistake you have ever made.


You turn your head to see your boyfriend looking down at you. He had his forearm by his pillow as he held himself up. He gave you a look of sympathy, but you looked away.

"What are you doing up?" You asked, wiping yours tears off with the blanket.

"I needed to use the bathroom, but I heard you crying. What's wrong, baby?" He put his free hand on your shoulder, trying to comfort you.

"Nothing," You retort as you pull the blanket up over your head.

"I saw you crying," He spoke gently, rubbing circles on your shoulder with his thumb.

You turn around to face him. You stare into his emerald green eyes. Feeling as if you were going to be lost in them, you look down at the hand on your shoulder.

"My anxiety," You admit.

He gave you a small smile, "Come here." You look back up at him to see him now laying on his back with his arms out, welcoming you in to hug him.

You hoist yourself up onto your forearm as you pull the blanket up over your shoulder. You turn yourself around and gently place yourself into his caring arms.

He outlined gentle circles on your shoulder as you use his arm for a neck-rest. "Tell me what's bothering you," He gently spoke in your ear.

"I feel worthless," You trail off, knowing he won't let you continue to talk bad about yourself.

"No," He corrected. "You feel worthless. But you shouldn't." He put his arms completely around you, so if you even try to get free, you won't be able to.

He locked his arms by locking his fingers around each other. "Baby, you are the most beautiful person I have ever met. Not only that, but you always know how to cheer me up.. That tiny smile you give me whenever you know I've had a bad day, and the way you crack jokes in the most awkward situations to lighten up the mood even though it's not the most appropriate time.." He trailed off, shaping his body directly against yours so you mold together like one simple puzzle.

You turn around in his locked arm, placing your hand up to give you a bit of space from his chest, not wanting to feel claustrophobic. You let out an exhale, "You're just pointing out my flaws."

You felt him shake his head, "No. You feel like they're flaws, but they're not. I've known you, say.. Forever, and I have yet to see a flaw in you."

You curl up in a ball against his chest, placing your hand, that was on his chest, around his waist.

You can hear how loud his heart is beating. "You've known me for, say.. Forever, yet your heart still speeds up when we're this close." You mock, trying to lighten the mood.

You feel his chest vibrate as the sound of him gently chuckling fills the room. "Well, doesn't yours?"

You close your eyes, not wanting to talk anymore, and he understood. He gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead before moving his head down and laying it on yours.

"Your heart does speed up around me though, right?"

You stay silent just to tease him more.

"Baby," He pulled back to look down at you pretending to sleep. He laughed, "God, I love your witty remarks." He pulled himself back into the locked hug.

"Yeah, they're pretty awesome, aren't they?" You smile against his chest. You could feel the warmth heat up as he laughs more.

You feel the warmth around you turn into a blanket as it wraps around your entire body. You feel yourself drifting to sleep, and the only sign of reality you have is the sound of your boyfriend's soothing heartbeat.

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