Remus (parent fic, female reader)

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Y/n Cohen had always wondered why she had her mother's maiden surname as opposed to her father's, but her mum refused to tell her. She also refused to tell Y/n the whereabouts of her absent father either for that matter.

All she knew was that her father had disappeared before she had even been born, a "one-night stand", as her mother had put it one night when Y/n had asked just before her tenth birthday. Y/n had since dropped the subject and gave up asking questions about her father. 

According to her mother, Y/n had the same green eyes and light brown hair that her father has. The attributes that she got from her mum included her nose and her horrible eyesight.

On her eleventh birthday, Y/n received a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it informed her that she was a witch and that she had a place at the school for the coming September. Her mother was more than happy to let her go to the school ("I don't have to wake up early to take you to school, it'll be great.").

Her first two years were interesting, to say the least, she'd been sorted into Gryffindor in her first year and made a plethora of friends including Harry Potter, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan and Ernie Macmillian.

 In the first year, her Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher turned out to be some creepy pyscho with He-who-must-not-be-named's face on the back of his head, covered in a purple turban. In the second year, Harry came face-to-face with a basilisk after Ron Weasley's younger sister, Ginny got possessed by some guy's soul, Tom Riddle, weird name right?

Oh, and the DADA teacher had accidentally obliviated himself, what a tosser eh?

Y/n was currently sat in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express, she had situated herself next to Neville and Seamus, across from Ginny and Dean. 

"Who do you think we'll have for Defence this year?" Neville asked as he watched out the window as the train rolled out of Kings Cross. "Dunno, better help us defend ourselves if that raging lunatic, Black, comes anywhere near us." Seamus laughed. "Not a laughing matter Finnigan." Ginny rolled her eyes at the boy.

A few hours along the journey to the school, the train halted and bumped. It suddenly went all cold and dark, depressing almost. 

"Anyone want to come and investigate with me?" Y/n stood up, pocketing her wand just in case. "I'll come with." Both Neville and Ginny stood up and followed Y/n down the corridor. They end up in Harry's compartment. Tripping over a few feet, Y/n made her way into the compartment. Harry, Ron, Hermione and a middle-aged man who was asleep were all in there. Y/n sat down next to Harry.

"Any clue as to what is happening?" She whispered, trying not to wake the sleeping man up. "No clue." Hermione mumbled.

A large floating binbag-like creature came into the compartment, it suddenly felt colder, Harry collapsed and Y/n grabbed him before he could hit the floor, she leant him across the seats that the pair had previously occupied. 

The sleeping man arose, a ball of fire in his hand, he used wandless magic to ward off the floating binbag.

They all stood in silence as Harry began to wake up. "What were those things?" He asked, looking at the middle-aged man.

"Dementors" Now the lights had flickered back on,  Y/n could see the mans' appearance, green eyes, brown hair. "No." She thought. "Is he my? Nah, don't be daft."

"Y/n, Y/n. What's up?" Ron poked Y/n in the shoulder after the man leaves the compartment.

"Is it me or does he look like me?" She whispered, glancing at her friends.

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