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"Mel, it's fine. My parents will be delighted to meet you!"

"But- what if they don't like me?" 

"Well then fuck them!" I raise my eyebrows at his choice of words. "That doesn't matter! All that matters is that we're together." He explains, pulling me in closer to his chest. I sigh agianst him, looking out the train's window. All I see is white, the snow is coming down hard. The compartment is toasty and warm, relaxing enough to fall asleep. But no matter how relaxing it is, I'm still paranoid. Reggie has managed to convince me to spend Christmas at his house, I have no idea how. My mind is full with what if's and they only grow worse as the train gets closer and closer to the stop. Reggie slowly stands up, grabbing my suitcase from the over head bin. My leg starts to bounce, and I peel the skin off my fingers until blood is dripping from them. 

"Tut, tut, tut!" Reggie clicks his tongue, taking my hand and kissing it softly. "You truly have nothing to worry about." He chuckles lightly, bringing an arm around me and resting it on my shoulder. Resting, not hitting or grabbing, resting. 



Kreacher is the one to open the door, and I can almost feel the relief leaving Mel's body. 

"Master Regulus." He greets, bowing his head. His old ragidy cloth hanging off of his thin body. 

"Kreacher, this is Melanie, I trust that you will treat her with respect." I say slowly, squeezing Mel's hand ever so slightly. Kreacher bows his head yet agian, before letting us inside. When we step inside, Kreacher takes both mine and Mel's suitcases, but I think she's too busy to notice. Her crystal eyes scan the house, analyzing every nook and cranny. A small smile tugs at her lips as she slowly makes a circle in her spot. 

"Regulus?" Mother comes down the stairs, father right behind her. Her judging eyes land on Melanie right away, and she shrinks away in fear. 

"Mother, I would like you to meet Melanie Rose." I introduce, knowing that if Mel tried to speak she'd end up talking in gibberish. Mother's eyes sparkle with pride when she hears her last name. Of course, the only thing she cares about is how pure her blood is. 

"Rose? Me and your mother where good friends at school." She says, putting her hands on her hips. Melanie awkwardly chuckles. "Come, come, I'll show you up to your room." She quickly says, putting her hands on her shoulders. I can see her shaking lightly. They both walk up the stairs, my mother's muffled voice slowly drifting away. 

"Are you two together?" My father asks, watching me as I take off my shoes. 

"Yes." He nods, as if approving my decision. I straighten my back, allowing him to slowly pat my back. 



Reggie's house is big, and his mother is quite nice. That doesn't stop me from noticing her judgy stares though. I sit on my bed, it's covers being cold and untouched. The room I'm staying in has lots of space, two large windows, a couch, bed, desk, and a bookshelf with lots and lots of books. Yet, it feels so empty without him by my side. I unpack the little clothes I brought, putting them into the closet. I look into the mirror in the closet door, patting down my hair and  straightening my dress. I sigh, take a deep breath in, and then letting it all go. 


"Dinner was delicious!" I compliment, walking by Reggie while going up the stairs. I walk to my door, and he walks to his. Which, just so happens to be the room across from mine. 

"Good night." He smiles, pecking my cheek and rubbing his thumb agianst my lips. He smiles brightly before going inside his room and closing his door. I stand there for a few minutes, trying to grasp the fact that I'm here. I'm actually here, this isn't a dream. I'm actually happy. I smile brightly, glancing at his closed door before walking into my own room. I brush out my hair, putting on my black pajama pants and black tank top. I quickly wash my face in the bathroom, before sinking into the cold sheets of the bed. I toss and turn, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. I look out the window, the stars and moon shining back at me. I sigh, taking off the sheets and slowly creeping out of my room. Reggie's house looks quite scary at night. I'm about to knock on his door, but it opens by itself. 

"Mel?" He questions, his hand still laying on his doorknob. 

"I-i couldn't sleep and-" Is all I make out before he pulls me inside his room. He closes the door behind him, leading me to his bed. Only then do I see that he's not wearing a shirt. The moonlight shines down on his figure, enlightening all the beautiful parts, which was every part. He sits down on his bed, making some space for me. I creep into his bed, my cold feet touching his warm ones. He brings an arm around me, holding me like a teddy bear. 

"I remember the first time I ever looked into your eyes and felt my entire world flip." He blurts out, and I giggle softly agianst his chest. 

"Is that so?" I tease, tracing his sharp jawline with my finger. He laughs shortly, before hoisting me on top of him. I lay down on his chest, outlining it with my finger, before slowly kissing his neck. The kisses travel up and up, avoiding his lips. On his nose, ears, jawline, forehead. He finally gets enough, and he flips me over so that he's hovering over me. His perfect curls fall over his grey eyes, and he leans down to give me a long kiss. I get lost in this state of euphoria, tangling myself into his body. We fit together perfectly, like two missing puzzle pieces. Like two peas in a pod. Prince and princess. Flower and butterfly. Dreams and wishes. Summer's soft wind and winter's cold breath. We fit together perfectly, happily together. 

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