Cut Short

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All those sweet words are so cute..

Her: "After this quarantine I'm gonna meet you and kiss and cuddle with you" .

You: "Do you promise?".

Her: "I promise and i love you".

Something doesn't feel right.

Her: "After this mess, I'm gonna go there and hug you tight".

Him: " Do you promise?".

Her: "I promise with all of my love".

I hope i wasn't right about this.

Her: "After this, I promise i will see you and meet your parents"

You: " Do you promise?".

Her: "I promise with all of my love".

All of those words i keep hearing from you. All the sweet words you said to me. It felt like something was wrong but i ignored it because i love and trust her.

Her: "Wanna go to the movies when we meet on the bus station or we go to the park?".

You: "Being with you is enough for me".

When you plan for that day it seems so sweet but something wasn't right. I love and trust her so much. I began to wonder what is this i open her account just this once because i felt something wasn't right ... i don't use it often but for now I'll try so my wondering will be over and trust her again. As i open her account.... i saw everything.. I saw the sweet words she was sending to all of the dudes including me. She tricked me and i fell for it. How stupid can i be? But i kept going because i keep telling myself that she loves me..

You: "Hey, do you love me?"
Her: "Ofcourse i do."
You:"Do you really love me?"
Her: "I really really love you."

Why can't i believe her? I love her.
Why can't i trust her?.. I gotta tell her..

You: "You love me, right?"

Her: "You ask me a bunch of times.. yes i love you"

You:"Then why did you cheat?"

Her: "W-what do you mean?, W-who told you that?"

You:. "I saw it. You told all of those sweet words to every guy you met. I thought i was the only one. But clearly i wasn't."

She showed her true color.
Her: "So what?! "
Her: " I don't care if you noticed. If you saw it you know that i can replace you with another guy just */finger snap: like that. I don't even need you. Everything you feel is just fling."

My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me. All those sweet words have lost it's meaning. All of the plans were cancelled in seconds. I guess she was right. This just some gust of wind or something. Or a fling on Quarantine. A "quaran-fling".

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