Yun Head - Anime is Gay 2

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Hentai is a sin, Hentai is a sin

Hook - Yun Head
Anime, anime, anime, anime, anime!
Anime, anime, anime, anime, anime!
Anime, anime, anime, anime, anime!
Anime, anime, anime, anime, anime!

Verse - Yun Head

nime is gay, yuh
I just bust a K, yuh
If you wanna talk about anime, you're gay!
I just whipped a slave!
Do the whip and nae nae!
I just drove a new Buggati and I ran over a kid, ay!

Verse - LegendaryGuy31
Yo, pee on my nut, ay:
Why would you nut to anime?
My grandma just died today
Anime is really gay
Anime is gay
Hentai is a sin
I don't have foreskin yeah, Hentai is a sin
I prefer Big Mia K, anime is super gay
If you say otherwise then you should go away!
Desu, Desu, Desu, there is blood all over the restroom
I just killed Sasuke, Anime is really gay

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