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"Lonelyyyy I'm Ms lonely I have nobody for my OWN I AM SO LONELYYYY-"


A pillow smacked my face knocking my upper body down to the bed.

'What the fuck was that for" I spluttered rubbing my face. "That was a form of self defense; your singing makes me want to kill myself " my nincompoop of a friend said to me.

I rolled my eyes "Stop exaggerating Trey it wasn't that bad." I huffed, annoyed he ruined my one woman concert.

"You must be tone deaf then, cause Lord have mercy my ears needed protection!" He exclaimed.

Trey a close friend I knew since middle school is currently taking up space in my room, in my bed, eating my snacks. I was nice enough to let these infractions go, but to attack me ruthlessly and then ruin my concert -

That's a no no

"Then get the fuck out, why are you even here?" I said putting "I don't think I recall your presence being wanted in my apartment, in my bed, eating my shit."

He laughed "My presence is always wanted, whether you like it or not" he said his eyes crinkling with mirth.

"And I had some good no wait great news for your horny ass"

That caught my attention.

Trey never disappointed me when he says he has news for my horny ass. I mean he gave me my first vibrator.

Emphasis on horny.

For a virgin who has:

Never put her lips on foreign lips

Never held hands with a guy who I found attractive

Or never even fucking made eye contact with someone I found remotely hot

Forced me to rely on my hands twenty four seven. I am not addicted to touching myself. I take a tolerance break, the break starts when I can't feel my fingers.

What I'm trying to say is that I AM FUCKING TOUCH DEPRIVED.

I need large hands on my neck constricting my right to breathe. I need to be roughly pushed against the wall and kissed until I'm breathless. I need to be tied to a bed and teased until I pass out, I just need hands on my body.

Is that to much to ask for ?

Trey knows that

Kiara and Lana knows that


And yet nothing has happened, til now.

"What do mean great news?" I asked suddenly heavily interested in what he has to say.

He notices the shift in my demeanor and laughs "You know I love you with all my heart and I know how touch deprived you are."

Rolling my eyes at him I nod my head impatiently waiting for him to finish.

"I don't want you going on some weird website and letting a strange guy penetrate your tight vagina."

I made a face "wha-"

"I have a really nice friend (I don't think you know him) who would be willing to let you use him."


"I'm so confused you are pimping me out to some friend to take advantage of my fragile body?" I wrapped my arms around myself and turn my head to the side

"After God knows how many years of friendship I'm just a portable pussy to you. OH WOE IS ME " I exclaimed.

To be very honest I wasn't that disturbed, Trey surrounded himself with good people. They were annoying but never rude or disrespectful unless they were disrespected. The problem is that I don't have any clue who this guy is, I'm literally going in blind.

I don't like that.

Sucking his teeth he clasped his hands together "He's really nice and is your type. He's good in bed too, I mean I wouldn't know but his customers all gave him five star reviews."

"Customers ?!?!" I exclaimed "So your pimping him out?" I asked amused

Trey huffed in slight frustration. He probably thought I would agree without a second thought. Although this was a gesture I would forever remember, if he didn't give me more information I would probably have to say no.

I looked at him waiting for an answer. He took out his phone "His name is Alexei Rose and he goes to our university. He's a really nice guy and not a whore for hire. This is how he looks-"

He held out his phone showing me a picture of both of them.

"How fucking long ago was this picture?"

It was a selfie of them in front of 'The Vessel' standing next to each other with a large grin on their faces. Trey looked younger than he is now, telling me this picture was taken a while back. I don't know why Trey was holding the camera since the guy (I'm guessing is Alexei) next to him had a couple of inches on him.
Alexei to put it modestly is so fucking cute. Like wow I wanna sit on his face. His honey brown colored hair is slightly curly going a bit into his eyes. His hazel eyes looked back at me through the picture.

A beautiful boy like this was in our school and I never knew. Wow I should start paying attention to my surroundings I mentally scolded myself.

I had to look back up, his face was a bit too much for my heart at the moment.

"It was junior year of high school so about three years ago" Trey replied.

I nodded absentmindedly. Thank God I couldn't blush because by now I would've looked like a strawberry.

"I promise you you would have a good time, he's a good guy and if you don't like it spray him with ur pepper spray and leave. Then tell me and I'll bite his dick off." He simply said.

I smiled and shook my head.

I never knew my he would do something like this. My heart bubbled with joy happy to have someone like Trey in my life.

I looked at him and grinned

"Ok sure. Why the hell not."


Authors note

Hey y'all so this is the prologue I hope you liked it.

If you did it would help me a lot of you vote and comment

The next chapter will come out soon so be on the look out.

See you soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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